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I need advice and feedback from experience to mount this kind of tyre (probably Zippy1 or S1) on a smallframe...

Actually, is it possible ? :-D

Thanks !

I need advice and feedback from experience to mount this kind of tyre (probably Zippy1 or S1) on a smallframe...

Actually, is it possible ? :-D

Thanks !



I added a washer under each of the Rim-bolts, but i presume it will work good without.


I added a washer under each of the Rim-bolts, but i presume it will work good without.


Just on original PX/Smallframe 10" rims ? Was it Zippy 1 or S1 ?

By any chance, do you have a picture of it ? :)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Just on original PX/Smallframe 10" rims ? Was it Zippy 1 or S1 ?

By any chance, do you have a picture of it ? :)


first standard 10" with zippy1, now with raceman (hard)

sorry, no picture

but on my signature and avatar it was driven like that

Bearbeitet von oli-san
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

ich kann leider kein englisch, also wenns ihm jemnad übersetzen kann: :-D

Ich fahre nen 110-80-10 auf meiner et3 und zwear auf zwei breiten V50 felgen.

Passend gemacht wurde:

Die auflage des Dämpfers am Motorblock (leinke seite mit der Flex was weggeschnitten, dann untergelegt), banane etwas gebogen und das teil wo die ganzen Züge durchgehen etwas nach aussen gebogen... Ich find den Reifen genial...


Bearbeitet von 100 spezial
  • 4 Monate später...

Ok, back from a nice day of fun on a track, and I have a problem with my Raceman 110/80-10 on standard rims...

I already put 3mm spacer and a straight spring. BUt this time, it's no really a width problem... I have about 7mm of clearance beetween the tyre and the screw that hold my exhaust, so I thought it would be enough. After 2h I looked at my rear tyre, and I can see a 1 or 2mm deep mark !

It is because of the screw... :-D(

Obviously, the tyre is too much "compressed" on standard rim and with rotational speed its diameter increase...

What are my option to keep this tyre ?

GS rim ? Cosa rim ? In both case, I need the two parts of the rim or only half ?

Thanks ;)


The orig. rims are 2.10 inch and a cosa 2.50 inch width. when u use the cosa, it will decrease the diameter. But the cosa rim often grind on the clutchlid, so u need to mill it.

ähm an other question; can u shorten ur screw? it´s the easiest way to solve this prob :-D

The orig. rims are 2.10 inch and a cosa 2.50 inch width. when u use the cosa, it will decrease the diameter. But the cosa rim often grind on the clutchlid, so u need to mill it.

ähm an other question; can u shorten ur screw? it´s the easiest way to solve this prob :-D


Well, I already shorten the screw... It's just that the tyre is probably too much compressed...

I'll try to put spacer between the two half-rims... Any opinion on that ? ;)


When u do that u have a larger trackoffset to the left (maybe 5-8mm). I would prefer a cosarim. Without wishers u have a trackoffset from 1mm in the other direction (drivingdirection right). So with a littlebit mill and 3mm spacer (this should be enough), ur trackoffset are "only" 2mm.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Okay... Did you do that ?

So I should go for a cosa rim on a smallframe... :-D

Any other acceptable possibilities ? I'm affraid the cosa will touch too much the clutch...

I'll get cosa rim to try ! :-D

By the way, I was told 100/80-10 are pointless size for a tyre, better choose 90/90 or 110/80... Is that true ? Because I may reduce the width (and height) of my rear tyre if I can't find a solution... :-D(

Bearbeitet von KTy
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hab gerade gestern einen 110/80 er Pirelli SL 26 montiert. Musste an der Schwinge etwas wegnehmen und den Stossdämpfer versetzen ( unterm Tank ) . Auch die Felge habe ich mit ener Beilage ausgerichtet!

Top Optik und schleifen tut er auch nirgends!

hab a freude... :-D Fettes Teil!

Straight yesterday a 110/80er Pirelli SL 26 installed. Something had to take away and shift the Suspension at the rocker (under the tank). Also I aligned the rim with a supplement!

Top optics and do not sharpen do it also anywhere!

Bearbeitet von olipv
Hab gerade gestern einen 110/80 er Pirelli SL 26 montiert. Musste an der Schwinge etwas wegnehmen und den Stossdämpfer versetzen ( unterm Tank ) .

Kleiner Tip:

Nehmt 'ne härtere Feder für den Dämpfer. Die sind schlanker und man muß den Dämpfer nicht versetzen!!

Hab ich auch so gemacht. :grins:

  • 2 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Should I try to put half PX/prim slim rim with a cosa wide one like this one ?



Or is it going to be a problem ?

I don't understand why some of you can ride a Pirelli 110/80 without any problem and I can't with my Raceman 110/80 ! With speed (~70km/h), it touchs the mouting screw of the exhaust !! (Zirri Silent)


I wanted to try also this one: http://www.sip-scootershop.com/pages/detai...903&nosubnavi=1 but there is no stock... :heul:

And yes, I have already a straight spring (worb5).

Bearbeitet von KTy

mounting screw at the case traverse? this would indicate the tyre expands with raising speed. is a 100/80 possible? or havin very wide rims.



i had more problems getting clearance to the spring of the damper. the hard sip spring was to wide for the shok and moved around so i needed to build a spacer for the low end of the damper. now this is cured.

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