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What about an ESC race in France ?

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I would like to know if it could be possible to organize an ESC race in France ?

Who must we contact to have any info ?

Thanks. :-D

Bearbeitet von Luccio
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We have a very nice track with a good grip but not enough competitors ..... :-D


plain view:


Bearbeitet von Luccio

I would like to know if it could be possible to organize an ESC race in France ?

Who must we contact to have any info ?

Thanks. :-D

contact hell n back for further information.

nice track, I'd surely come over to france!

We have a very nice track with a good grip but not enough competitors ..... :-D

Where exactly is it located? :love:


It is quite far from germany but if you take some holidays... it is a nice region too ! :-D

It is near Salon de Provence.

So we will contact Hell n Back and try to organize something ... :-D

Adress ?

To find it at map24 or so......

Circuit Mistral Kart’One

SC Motorsport Development

Quartier de la Jaïsse

RN 569

Route d’Eyguières

13300 Salon de Pce



reisegruppe für drei karren (also wenn meine drin iss noch 2) und 2 weitere nasen gefällig? armin, alte transe, die aaaaaaaaaachener schwuchteltruppe et moi als reisebotschafter?

verstehe nichts... :-D

ist es ein kodierte Mitteilung ?

a bit maybe, yes. it means that i have a car which is ok for 3 people and three scooters altogether, and that i have asked stahlfix whether he and his boys would be prepared to team up as travelling embassadors for medium skill racing from germany, which is something we have done in the past (witness lelystad some topics below). regardless of the outcome of the esc discussion i would like to come and see what the frenchies are capable of doing.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

ok that's clearer for me ! :-D

I would be happy to meet some of you ....

and indeed our engines are not tuned as yours but we learn a lot by reading this forum .... :wasntme:

Bearbeitet von Luccio
regardless of the outcome of the esc discussion i would like to come and see what the frenchies are capable of doing.

Hello everybody :-D ,

It's funny, we have exactly the same discussion actually on our side :-D

I'd like to come playing with you in one event... but I live in the south of the south of the France and I must choose :-D

If you could only come in one race in Germany, which one would you choose ? and what is the class the most disputed ?

I've the winter to prepare my small or large frame according to your response.

Hello everybody :-D ,

It's funny, we have exactly the same discussion actually on our side :-D

I'd like to come playing with you in one event... but I live in the south of the south of the France and I must choose :-D

If you could only come in one race in Germany, which one would you choose ? and what is the class the most disputed ?

I've the winter to prepare my small or large frame according to your response.

race: run 'n race in liedolsheim

class: probably class2 smallframes.


@Luccio: Maybe do you get some information at www.eurochallange.de. Or do you sent me your email-adress and I`ll give you further info about the classes an competions. www.stoneheads.de

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

ok thanks but hell n back already gave me some info and the reglement in english.... :-D

Bearbeitet von Luccio
he guys,

when is the next scoter race on circuit mistral?

do you've a kind of competition or is it just training?

so long,


Next year, in 2007 certainly in the summer... the date is not fixed yet. It's organized by the Celtic Scooter Club.

Classes are made depending of number of inscriptions... the two past years, there were 3 classes :

- original old scoots (acma,...)

- smallframes (original and tuned)

- largeframes (original and tuned)

it's not purposed as a competition, but there are some nices scooters (KTy's one, Kanabeach, ...) and the level is not too bad.

It would be great if some of you come and race with us...

of course, we can help you for the travel's logistic

In France there are not many event like this, it's a damage, some of us want it to change but we are not enough... if organizers know others peoples want to come, maybe it will stimulate them... :-D


In which class i have to start with a tuned, old Scoot (ACMA-Style)?

(Ist das verständlich? Mein Schulenglisch ist wirklich ordentlich verkümmert :-D )

In which class i have to start with a tuned, old Scoot (ACMA-Style)?

(Ist das verständlich? Mein Schulenglisch ist wirklich ordentlich verkümmert :-D )

Must I take my GS Killer ? :grins:

In den Bus muß ne Bierkühlung rein. Vorher geht GARNICHTS! :-D

...Und zusätzlich Wodka-Brause-Einspritzung wenns besonders schnell gehn soll... :shit::-D

Gruß Klaus!

PS: Edith sagt das war mein letzter Off-Topic Beitrag hier... :-D

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