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  1. jep - so siehts aus ! Diese werden auch vor Ort ausgegeben - brauchst dich also um nix kümmern !
    1 Punkt
  2. Hi everybody! My name is Yuri, I'm from Russia. ve been watching this forum for quite long. it's really inspirational. so I decided to post a couple of pics of my vespas. this was my first resto project vespa px150e '94 - 2tone just as it came to me two years ago putting aside the breaking down-reassembling process, this is what it was turned to: and just as I finished my first project I just couldn't help changing it for this: this is a 1980 p200e and this is my second project I only managed to change the bushings by now and will start the whole process in winter I hope. cheers
    1 Punkt

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