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Alle Inhalte von morbin

  1. Hallo Leute, thanks for replies! Actually a VHSB 37 is installed with original inlet pipe and reed cage. Sure it runs hard, but cannot stand to go far. Dare, sorry I meant at least >100Km with original fuel tank, this should be in the 5-6l/100km range. My idea.. or should call it hope at this point.. would be to consider to install this PWK 28 + vforce 3 reed cage I already own.. Sounds like an experiment to try.. I would have one adaptor machined for the reed cage and inlet pipe welded (for PWK 28 and PK 50 frame) I would think of an improvement in driveability in the 5000-7000 range most and lower rpm.. of course top end power and overrev would be weaker than actual state of tune.. Writing to see if anyone really using this PWK 28.. cannot think to be the only one this crazy.. :) Gruess, from "Hard headed" Matt
  2. Hallo! Big post!! I scrolled and searched but did not find any info related.. Is anyone running a Keihin PWK 28 in Falc 57x51 direct intake and bridged exhaust? Would you think this makes sense to have good Hp (around 25..), good torque all around and touring economy? (>100Km with a gas refill) Planning to make some modifications to my Falc for next season.. I would like to hear your thoughts. Also a good start for carburation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance if you will reply! Gruess, Matt
  3. morbin


  4. morbin


  5. Hello All, I have heard that it should reach the target of 20Hp with SI24 and oripuff and I am wondering if this might be true... Has anyone dynoed it? Matt
  6. Matte that is a sword!
  7. Thanks a lot. I found a stainless steel version, do you know if a "black one" is\was available too?
  8. Hi all, is it possible to install a Rz Right built for a PX 125/150 on P200 zylinders? (except for the pipe...) Where am I to find a pipe for this job? Regards, Matt P.S. I already asked Sip but they told me I should buy the whole P200 exhaust... these is not good news for my pocket!!
  9. Thanks Michael. Anyway I don't understand why it is this way, pistons on the paper looks the same to me...
  10. Hi all, is anyone running the GS kolbenbolzen in a Pinasco 213-225cc engine? Does it fit on the piston? I know it fits on the Polini 207cc and on the Malle, and it is also true that Polini & Pinasco pistons looks the same... just need a confirmation... Gruss, Matt
  11. viel Dank was ist lhr kolben spiel?
  12. So measuring the cilinder bore, will a piston clearance of 0,07-0,08mm be ok? Is this ideal for aluminum cilinder-piston usage? My cilinder is used, but come with an Asso (Polini like) piston. Can I assume my cilinder is nicasil coated? Gruss, Matt Ps. Ain't Atom007 using a GS piston in his marvellous "little" Pinasco?
  13. Hi all, has anyone tried this combo with GS 69mm piston yet? Gruss, Matt
  14. Hi all, this is Matt from Italy. I find this is a GREAT program! Congrats Atom!! I already recorded the spannumsregler output, but now I need to set up the program correctly. Do you know the PX disc net weight? Are all other parameters correct? Gruss, Matt
  15. Good! Practically this is it: Setting: The setting time depends on the temperature; final strength can be increased by applying heat (not over 200°C ? see table). Temperature Setting time Strength 20 °C 12 Std. 1200 N/cm2 40 °C 3 Std. 1800 N/cm2 70 °C 45 Min. 2000 N/cm2 100 °C 10 Min. 2500 N/cm2 180 °C 5 Min. 3000 N/cm2 I was told that the adhesion of Devcon F is 2600 PSI and for Devcon Titanium 2000 PSI (better wear resistant). I'm no good with conversions but that should be around it... Definitively gotta try the oven thing... Regards fellows, Matt
  16. Hi T5Langhuber, thanks for the participation. I looked into UHU internet site and seems that if you put the product into the oven than it holds much more! Maybe I should get them both and use the Titanium to close lateral transfers and the Uhu for the drehschieber surface... mmm... Do you have to clean and work the surface for the Uhu to hold better? regards, Matt
  17. Thanks man. I read and was told about the Weicon Titanium as well, informed and found a shop around my city! Hopefully my Pinasco 225 will like it ps. you're going to have another PM
  18. First of all, nice one Atom!! Roo nice one too, did you modify the GS kolben? Gruss, Matt
  19. Hi all, has anyone tried the kaltmetall thing or Epoxy (or whatever) on a damaged valve with good results? Regards, Matt
  20. Hi, I'm looking for a P200 longstroke crank for a Pinasco 225. Please contact me by PM, Gruss, Matt
  21. Maybe the GreenBastard, FreakMoped up there could untie the knot... Thanks Minikin, I read a bit and I believe what bigbene told last is correct, and the 1pm thing is all practical and if the crank stands in this position you can consider your crank balanced. The only thing you don't know is how much it is balanced... And here comes the theory and if you want to do a better balancing you go with the weight at the pleuel and all the calculation stuff... I hope I understood this stuff: http://www.germanscooterwiki.de/index.php?...elwelle_wuchten
  22. I can't see it either... Anyway I think you meant this one: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/index.php?showtopic=76708 I'll have an hard time translating but I hope to come through it! Thanks!
  23. Right now I'm mounting the original crank and I'm doing ok with low end power even if I have blowback... For me it was a problem when I had the crank from the pictures because of the too long inlet phase (and maybe not so optimized?). I ride very often in two and the city I live in has lots of down-uphills. Even short-long stroke, drehschieber-reed-worb5 cranks should stand in the 1pm position?
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