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  2. Hi Bene, thanks for replying. I have already tried it on my Polini 177, final inlet was around 113-63, but lacked too much low end power for my taste. Then I had a slight heat seizure and put back on an original crank for the moment (inlet 113-42). Now low end power is definitely there but haven't tried it on high rpm. I was asking again for my next crank, so is the way to fine balancing P125-P150-P177-P200 & more cranks always the same? No weight on the conrod at all? Thanks, ciao Matt
  3. Concerning the 1pm thing, do I have to add weight to the conrod when standing on the blocks?
  4. I disassembled the engine but could not see a defective clutch oilring... the crank came out too easy from the clutch side bearing though... Here some pictures I took, the engine had about 150 km... http://img227.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dscn2784ym8.jpg http://img55.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dscn2785vx2.jpg http://img55.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dscn2790bq6.jpg http://img140.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dscn2791sz4.jpg http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dscn2794wc3.jpg Was it burning gearing oil too?
  5. Thanks.
  6. Thanks Meli, that's what I thought
  7. Yes/No?
  8. Hi all, is the combo 23/67 allowed for the primary drive? Gruss Matt
  9. I believe I should change the title of my post into "learning my Polini" at this point! Practically, when the engine is hot it is very hard to start it, even pushing the Vespa downhill. And when eventually it turns on, it stays on only with throttle wide open. At this point it gains rpm only by tilting the Vespa on the left side... Moreover there is a disturbing sound coming from the engine that fades a lot when pressing the clutch... Mmmm... :uargh:
  10. Damn! I had a little heat seizure today. Was riding with my girl on little uphill and engine turned off... it was only a little heat damage, but damn!! damn anyway!! Maybe I should've checked jetting better; now I have put in 50/140 min, and 128 max just to be sure... didn't try it yet, but I'll have to be more careful... :( Life's so hard sometimes my friends... Btw as I don't have a BE2, is 140-BE3 fatter than 160-BE3?
  11. I think I'll give it a try, yes. Is there a difference using a 1 µF / 500VAC condenser? Is it better? What is MKS - MKT or... or...? (which one is the best ;) )
  12. Doing good What's up with you Brilliant French Electronic Mind?? OT Right now I'm not using it, it has been giving me troubles on my P200 lately... Right now I'm using an homemade sparkplug wire (a "geology" wire) with a mask around it connected to the ground... KTy you should give it a try
  13. Very cool!
  14. what's up Mike?
  15. I put it in and gave it a short ride. Carburation seems correct and after heating up engine feels quite mild on temperature. At idle it is shaking a bit like a P200. Low rpm power is ok, probably with such an inlet time the high RC helps a bit, mid power feels good but then stopped revving... So far a nice engine to ride
  16. It's Wednesday and no chance yet... ( KTy, safe sex for me Anyway enlarging the admission where?
  17. At last I had the cylinder milled for 0,8mm (I took away the 0,2mm Polini gasket and used a 1mm homemade gasket at the bottom) and closed the casings. Latest results say 173°-116° timings, 1,6mm squish and 11,8 RC... Here some pics: I'm really looking forward to turn it on, hopefully during this weekend...
  18. Nice one Matzewutzi!
  19. I should mill 1mm then... Very well then, I'll keep you informed! Thanks a lot, Matt P.S. should I change jetting with an adapted T5 ori puff and\or a RZ Right?
  20. I'll go for the 1mm fudi then! I tried measuring with a 0,5mm fudi and data is ok. I measured again einlass period and measured little longer than before (113nOT-63vOT). Gravedigger told me that 1,6mm of squish is fine but for best results I should go for 1,2mm... Now, to do it my way I'm considering to go for 1,4mm In this case I have to mill 1mm for the fudi + 0,2mm for the squish = 1,2mm. The Malle head has only 0,8mm of headroom so I think I'll have to mill the whole 1,2mm from the top of the cylinder... With this squish and my calculations RC should then be around 12. Quite high for my experience, will temperature increase too much? After looking around I'm thinking about 160-BE3-125, min 55/160, timing 18°, spark B8HS, correct? Any suggestions about carburation, timing and spark plug? Matt
  21. I doublechecked my calculations and my values seems correct. Ü value for 1,5mm fudi keeps coming 120,2°, all the others are about the same... later on I'll try to measure values again...
  22. Hi all, I'm building up my engine with Polini 177, 63,5 GS piston (180,5cc), SI24 little ovalized, ori puff & GSF kopf. I measured the following data without fudi and calculated the others: Which timings do you think I should go for to obtain best results? Gruss Matt
  23. By the way, should there be a weight on the pleuel when fine balancing?
  24. Haha that's a nice piece of advice you Bastard! Ok, so when standing on the edges my crank stands in 12.00 pm position... So the right position on the edges will be this one? Thanks all
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