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8.899 Profilaufrufe

Leistungen von Laurus


member (3/12)


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  1. Thank you, I am fine, did not complete the journey to the end because of time and budget reasons but I did ride through: germany, austria, hungary, romania, bulgaria, turkey, georgia, azerbaijan, turkmenistan, oezbekistan, tajikistan and kirgistan. It has been a hell of a ride...
  2. Home sweet home again... Now it is time for a decent trip report... To be continued...
  3. Hmm I have tried the Koso spannungsregler but it gave weird values <12 volt and thus my light was not very bright at all.. I am going to take another look at it.
  4. Where is the luggage?? We haven't started yet, just wait and see ;) Yes I have a navigation system, it is a garmin zumo 220, and it works fine (waterproof and you can use it with your gloves on), I only have to find out whether I can charge it with my ignition or not.
  5. Exactly my thoughts andreasnagy, I even swapped my original paint GS for a GS that had to be rebuild in order to be able to do this trip with a GS. An all original GS would have even been better, but in my current financial and time circumstances not realistic.
  6. True story, though things are a bit more complicated than it might seem.
  7. Dont like it either, but after the trip I will get it out. And this one was for free, the repro would have cost me another 100 euros or so.
  8. Unfortunately the engine has to be taken apart again because of a production error in the kickstart-thing.... I did finish the build and will split the engine after having driven some miles with it. So, technically it is pretty much finished, now I can run it in and test it and make it 'travel-ready'.
  9. Casings are sandblasted and put together again, engine almost done. I used a special tool to mount the bearing for the crank: Seal clutchside: Casings ready to be put back together: Always a nice view: Engine back together only the clutch and ignition left to be mounted:
  10. The front is back in... This week my casings are coming back from the sandblaster so I can start with the build of my engine... Three steps in the restoration of a GS160...:
  • Neu erstellen...

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