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  1. Hi! Still looking for a 200casing with autolube and preferably elestart... Regards
  2. Hello! Might have interest in the last engine. Is it autolube and is the price negotiable? Regards, øyvind
  3. Hat interesse! Wieviel nach Norwegen? Svint1(A)hotmail.com
  4. Ich suche 200er Motorblock Antworten bei Svint1(A)hotmail.com
  5. Thanks, but I've already looked there. And nothing that fits 20/20 carb and ScootRS pipe... I assuming something around 110-112 might be ok? Regards
  6. Hello! I'm running a DR177 with ScootRS on my PX125. Using original 20/20-carb and nothing done with casings and cylinder. Any ideas of carb-setup? Regards, Øyvind Norheim
  7. Hello! I need a Sito Plus for my DR177-kited PX125. -anyone? Best Regards, Øyvind aus Norwegen
  8. Hi Lubbi! I've sent you a PM...
  9. Anyone selling a dr177-kit for 125/150? Give me an offer, and we'll see. Regards, Øyvind Norheim Aasehagen 52 4321 Sandnes Norwegen
  10. Hi! I´ll pay 95 Euros for both. -your choice! Regards,
  11. How much would that be to Norway? Regards Øyvind
  12. How much to Norway? S
  13. 2nd!
  14. Hello! Would like to buy a SI24/24 for PX autolube. Regards Øyvind
  15. Hello! I would like to buy a DR177-kit to Norway Regards, Øyvind
  16. Svint1

    kann zu

    Bitte nach Norwegen! How much in total?
  17. Might be interested! -do you have any pics?
  18. Hi! I´m searching for a tank for PX. Regards Øyvind
  19. Hi! How much for the hinten Lusso bremsetrommel nach Norwegen? Regards Øyvind
  20. How much for tank to Norway? Regards Øyvind
  21. Hi! I need two PX200 EFL rear brake-drums. Regards Øyvind
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