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Alle Inhalte von docfish

  1. docfish


  2. docfish


    was soll das denn?
  3. sorry, but e-bay-links are not permitted on the GSF. rgds b
  4. die Platten enden in ein paar stunden...
  5. Hi everyboy, I’ve just uploaded 90 Soul, Funk and R&B 45s on ebay, most come from unplayed stock, Here is the link to the auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdocfishQQhtZ-1 All got soundfiles and pics, low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold! End date is Tuesday August 14.08.2011 Some of the highlights of this auction are: CHUBBY & THE TURNPIKES: I Didn’t Try / I Know The Inside Story * CAPITOL CHUCK WOOD: Seven Days Is Too Long * ROULETTE WILLIE TEE: Reach Out For Me * CAPITOL JIM PIPKINS & THE BOSS FIVE: Mr. C.C. * EMERGE TRADE WINDS: Summertime Girl * RED BIRD PRATT & McCLAIN: Whachersign * REPRISE FREEDOM: Can’t You See * FREEDOM GIL SCOTT-HERON: Willing * ARISTA AVIS: Baby, This Love I Have * FELINE L.J. REYNOLDS: Got To Give My Love * FANTASY WEEKS SISTERS: I’m Going Away * HSE ZEBRA: Closer To The Feeling * WARWICK GRADY TATE: Be Black Baby * SKYE AL TRAHAN: Can I Feel It * SPINDLETOP MOE BEE READY: Funky Woman * CAMARO WALTER VANDELL: The Charge * TEMPO + many many more ...... thanks for looking! docfish
  6. Donnerstag 4.8.2011 ab 22 Uhr im Komet Erichtstraße 11, Hamburg / St. Pauli. TOP ODER FLOP Die Schallplattenauktion. Unsere allseits beliebte Vinylversteigerung geht in die nächste Runde. Der Auktionator bringt Platten aus seiner Privaten Plattensammlung mit die man ab 50 Cent dann erwerben kann. Gibt es kein Gebote, ist also die Platte ein Flop, wird sie durchgeknickt und wandert in den Mülleimer bzw. bedeckt vorerst unseren Boden! Buy or Destroy - Rettet das Vinyl - Macht aber das Kaputt was euch Kaputt macht!
  7. Die Auktionen laufen in ein paar Studen aus
  8. Hi everyboy, I’m back with my biggest auction so far; 200 Soul & Funk 45s and something like 50 Soul LPs. Most come from unplayed stock, so here is your chance to upgrade some titles in your collection! Her is the link to the auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdocfishQQhtZ-1 All got soundfiles and pics, low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold! End date fort the 45s is Tuesday June 14.06.2011 End date fort the LPs is Tuesday June 15.06.2011 Highlights of this auction are: PAM COLQUITT: Done Got Over Losing You * JACKLYN DYNAMITE SINGLETRAY: The Same Way You Love Your Man You Can Love Me * DYNAMITE NITE RIDERS: Sweet And Hot * NITE RIDERS private press NAT WRIGHT: Sweet Love * MUSICRAFT 2 X CHARLY ANTOLINI 45s on german CORNET (well if you like, what they call Tittyshakers!) JOE SIMON: Just Like Yesterday * IRRAL JAMES LEWIS & THE CASE OF TYME: Manifesto * LEGEND (Mint original!) CHARLES SPURLING: Let Me Be (A Steppin’ Soul) * KING CECIL SHAW: This I’ve Gotta See * BIL-MAR (Mint stock copy!) JOHNNY TAYLOR: What About my Love * BEVERLY GLEN PROPHETS OF PEACE: The Max * MAXX (widely unknown Modern Soul killer) GREEN’S FRIENDS: Expressway To Your Heart * DG (unknown 70’s) ST. JAMES INFIRMARY: Don’t Take Your Love From Me * MAZEL (Funky Northern) GLENN DORSEY: Movin’ On * GOOD YOHON: Fly With Me * MARYCAROL MESSIAH: Alpha Wave * MAGIC MINSTREL FREDDIE WATERS: I’ve Got A Good Love * TEE JAY BOBBY WOMACK: Across 110th Street * UA BEE BEE BUTLER: Sweet Sweet Life * SMC JOE BATAAN: Latin Strut * MERICANA RUFUS THOMAS: Memphis Train * STAX COUNTER POINT: Early Dawn * JA-WES WILLIE & ANTHONY: Selfish Lover * BLUE CANDLE Some fine LPs like: THE SPELLBINDERS on COLUMBIA JACKIE WILSON: The Sweetest Feeling * BRUNSWICK FREDDY BUTLER: A Dab Of Soul * KAPP ECSTASY, PASSION & PAIN on ROULETTE RHETTA HUGHES: Re-Light My Fire * TETRAGRAMMATON Promo L:R: SUPERSTARS on RARE GROOVES JONESES: Keepin’ Up With * MERCURY TONIGHT AT THE DISCOTEQUE (Killer Afro Funk / Disco comp. From France) BOBBY GLENN: Shout It Out on KOALA + great R&B 45s, some fine Jazz LPs, a few 12“ and many great cheapos
  9. Hi everyboy, I'm back with 75 new soul & funk auctions. Her is the link to the auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdocfishQQhtZ-1 All got soundfiles and pics, Low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold! End date is Tuesday May 3rd Highlights of this auction are: LOUIS CURRY: You’re Just Plain Nice * REEL VERSATILE GENTS: You’ve Blown My Mind * LINCO LITTLE ARCHIE: I Am A Carpet * DIAL (great deep flip) REUBEN & THE CHAINS: Hey Girl * PEACOCK (rare white demo) THE WOLF MAN: Back Side * OKEH ADA RAY: Give Our Love A Chance * ZELL’S CHRISTINE ADAMS: Loneliness Is Always Around * CYCLONE CHUCK PHOENIX: Don’t Deny It * NEW DAY (unknown Ohio Soul) THE DIABOLICS: Key To Your Heart * SUNDANCE SPACEARK: Do What You Can Do * COLOR WORLD (2 great sides) GEORGE JACKSON: Struggling Lady * HEP’ME CHUCK STEPHENS: Let’s Get Nasty * EAST COAST CHARLENE P.M.: Loving You * F-W JOE COLEMAN: Get It Off The Ground * F1TEAM CLARENCE REID: Masterpiece * ALSTON PULL OVER: Pull Over * BREAK-A-WAY CARL UNDERWOOD: I Laugh And Talk * KUJINGA THE MUCHACHOS: Domino * GOOD LUCK (Rare Texas Chicano Soul) LITTLE ROSE COMPANY: Do You Feel It * L.R.J. THE SOUL-SOCIETY: Sidewinder / Afro Desia * DOT PHIL FLOWERS: The Alligator * DOT CHARLES PRYOR: What They Doing (Funky Junkie) * DOUBLE 07 + many recent reissue 45s for cheap buy-it-now prices. Hope to see some of you this weekend at the Soul-Shakers- Weekender in Bamberg! With Butch, Soul Sam, Brad Hales, Dave Ripolles, Karl Marthon, Dave Thorley, Malayka Erpen and myself on the decks. thanks for looking! docfish
  10. Die Auktion läuft noch bis morgen...
  11. Hi everyboy, I'm back with 75 new soul & funk auctions. Her is the link to the auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdocfishQQhtZ-1 All got soundfiles and pics, low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold! End date is Thursday March 31.01.2011 Highlights of this auction are: BIG MAYBELLE: Quittin’ Time * ROJAC ALBERT COLLINS: Do The Sissy * IMPERIAL AL & NETTIE: San Francisco Twist * GEDINSON’S LEE DIAMOND: Nothing But A Playboy * LOLA CARL TEMPLE: Soul Day Theme * BRIGHTER WORLD FOUR VOICES: Your Love Is Getting Stronger * VOICE (golden lbl) MAGICTONES: Me And My Baby * WHEELSVILLE OLYMPICS: Girl, You’re My Kind Of People * WARNER BROTHERS ANTHONY WATSON: I Can’t Stop This Feeling * SRO GRAYSON STREET: Medicine Man * HOUSEROCKER BASIC, BLACK & PEARL: Love Signs * WAM DAVID NEVIN: You’re For Me * PARDNER JOE BATAAN: Johnny * MERICANA TINA BRITT: Sookie Sookie * VEEP WILLIS JACKSON: Jive Samba * PRESTIGE + many buy-it-nows, all are actual reissues for bargain prices! thanks for looking! docfish
  12. "Summertime" Billy Stewart
  13. noch ein paar stunden, dann....
  14. Hi everyboy, I'm back with more than 100 new soul & funk auctions. Her is the link to the auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdocfishQQhtZ-1 All got soundfiles and pics, low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold! End date is Monday February 28.02.2011 Highlights of this auction are: SMOKEY ROBINSON & THE MIRACLES: I Care About Detroit * STANDARD GROOVE EUGENE REMUS: You Never Miss A Good Thing * MOTOWN Stripes (with Strings!!!) THELMA HOUSTON Monarch Test pressing, never commercially released! NEWBY & JOHNSON: Sweet Happiness * MERCURY (issue, with great flip!) DON FLETCHER: I’m So Glad * PEACOCK LEON MITCHINSON: Sho! Nuff * DIXIETONE BIG BUBBLES & THE SOUL BROTHERS: Ginger Snap * RALDO ANTHONY BURNS: Do Right Man * ATLANTA ( Rrrrrrare Deep Soul) AL PINKSTON JR.: I Look, I See * TRA MO ( Eddie Bo related Nola crossover) ROY DAWSON: Over The Top * COEMANDS CHOCOLATE BUTTERMILK BAND: Can’t Let Go * CBM SHAZZ: Innerside * YELLOW 12“ ADRIEN SMITH: Our ove It Was Meant To Be * REYNOLDS SAM DEES: Soul Sister * LO LO (+great deep flip) DUANE YATES: Hold It * N-JOY (Louisiana Funk rarity) ROYAL KINGS: Let’s Do The Tighten Up * REVERB OVER NIGHT LOW: The Witch Doctor * DeLUXE Promo CHARLES PRYOR: What The’re Doing * DOUBLE 07 RIPPLE BLAST SINGERS: Funny Girl A’La Soul * POWER (inc. Sadie Sadie) CHOSEN FEW: Taking All The Love I Can * MAPLE (rare LP!!!) + many more Soul, Funk & R&B 45s, some Psychedelic things, Rockabilly and Surf 45s thanks for looking! docfish
  15. geht bald los die Sause...
  16. noch ein paar Stunden ....
  17. Hi everyboy, I'm back with 75 new soul & funk auctions. Her is the link to the auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdocfishQQhtZ-1 All got soundfiles and pics, low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold! End date is Monday January 31.01.2011 Highlights of this auction are: TED TAYLOR: Somebody’s Always Trying * OKEH JOE TEX: Looking For My Pig * PARROT JAY MAN & HIS SENSATIONS: Swingin’ Round The Town * INTERNATIONAL TYRONE (The Wonder Boy): Suffer * FOUR BROTHERS MERCY MEN: You Made It Thunder * GEE LES SURFS: Uh Huh * FESTIVAL (Italy) DEREK MARTIN: Falling Out Of Love * VIBRATION SYN-BADD: Dream * COUNTERPART WOMAN: That’s How It Is * SHOCK CECIL SHAW: This I’ve Gotta See * BIL-MAR RODNEY TROTTER’S EGYPT: Space Ni’ga * GREEDY LEE AUSTIN: Screwdriver * INTERNATIONAL BROTHERS SUNNY RIDELL: Soul 100 * DARVA O.S. GRANT: Sock It Uptight * SARG VIOLA WILLS: I’ve Got News For You * SUPREME + many great R&B 45s, some rare picture sleeve issues, some obscure acetates, Psych and Garage 45s + many many more ...... thanks for looking! docfish
  18. nur noch ei n paar stunden...
  19. Hi everyboy, I'm back with something like 200 new soul & funk auctions; a bit of clear out this time. Her is the link to the auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdocfishQQhtZ-1 All got soundfiles and pics, Low minimum bids on all items, they are listed to be sold! End date is Sunday January 2nd in 2011 Highlights of this auction are: VONDAL MOORE: What’s A Matter Baby * PORK JOHNNY CANALES: Lost * GUTI JACKIE EDWARDS: My Love And I * HIT-TON german picture sleeve issue BOBBY NEWTON: Don’t Fight The Feeling * LORRAINE RUTH McFADDEN: It Could Be Sweet Again * RECONA TSU TORONADOS: Please Heart Don’t Break * RAMPART STREET EDDIE JACOBS: Comin’ Home * MARLU LEE DIAMOND: Nothing But A Playboy * LOLA NU PAGE: A Heart Is A House * MoWEST (Rare issue copy) J.J. TAYLOR: I’m Not Tired Yet * YAMBO HERMAN GEORGE: Mental High * BET GIBSON BROTHERS BAND: Love Coming At Us * ROCKER PREMIUM: The Letter That Broke My Heart * SOULIN’ SAI WHATT?? Same Old Story * STACHE MIDNIGHT: Never Too Late * UNISON JAMES D. HALL: I Wanna Get Into You * J.D.H. SHERRY BLYLER: Our Love Is Lost * FOX FIRE ERIC DENNIS: Too Many Love Pains * P-COLA THE TEARS: Sweet Love * FUNKSHUN CIRCLE O’FIRE: Have It Your Way * STAX RIGHT DIECTION: Midnight Rhythm * ANTARIES (Rare Chicago Modern Soul and so good!) ARCHIE BELL: Where Will You Go When The Party Is Over * PHILLY INTERNATIONAL (UK only 7“) FLASHLIGHT: Beware She’s Pulling My Strings * PHILLY GROOVE 12“ (Rare Modern Soul) FAUNS BELL: Who Did It * WAVE AGUABELLA: I Wanna Know * EPSILON FATBACK BROTHER BILL CURTIS: Dance Girl * PERCEPTION ARTUS SATTERFIELD: Hot Pants * AXIS JOHNNY GRIFFITH: The Scene * GENEVA DAWSON SMITH: I Don’t Know If I CAN MAKE IT * SCEPTER DUAN YATES: Hold It * N-JOY BOGEN RICHARD: I Am My Own Man * BIRTH EAST BAY SOUL BRASS: The Panther * RAMPART CHARLES PRYOR: What The Doing (Funkie Junkie) * DOUBLE 07 J.J. CAILLIER: Bust The Pusher Man * CAILLIER APOSTLES: Six Pack * KAPP ROGER & THE HUMAN BODY: Freedom * TROUTMAN BROS. + many many more ...... thanks for looking! docfish
  20. wär da Bremen?
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