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Alle Inhalte von mauropapa

  1. This we we were in emsburen for the 3rd ESC race , and on friday I broke the official engine ( gear selector ) . So I run the race with this engine , with success. ciao Mauro
  2. Ok , finally we arrived ! It was a long trip!!Thanks a lot fo the perfect organization and for the nice track even if I like it only when it's not raining There is so much rubber on it that two drops of water are enough to transform the circuit in a race on Ice. On friday in the middle of the long curve close to the start in 0,2 seconds the track passed from dry to very wet with these consequences... :Engine and andle bar broken Half friday to change the engine an repair the handle bar Nevertheless, I'M very happy also because I didn't know that this race was so important for the price... So see You soon in Austria , in a hot sunny day As soon as possible the first race on board will be available. For the second race.... damaged the camera because was on when it started to rain ciao mauro
  3. Italian crew ready! tomorrow mornin'we leave. 6-7 vespa 1 moppet Si See you there...late night I guess Mauro
  4. Ciao, that engine is this engine , with Si 24 carburator, valve intake the one in the video is 28.The exaust has a different shape bacause the one used in the raid is more or less the one that will be sold , with room for the spare tire, while the one in the video has the muffler reversed (top) for racing questions( bending limitations) , but is the same exaust ciao mauro
  5. last one... class C1 enjoy it! mauro
  6. Dear all, finally I digitalized my videos. they are not exactly fantastic, but we are not video operators I'm trying to follow the discussions in this post, but I don't speak german and google is not a good friend...so I Understand only a part o it!! may be next year you all can come in Pomposa kart track so all the ESC races will be held in a real track @Miki: Yes, I hope to run again against you without touching too much each other... C1 wil be loaded son ciao Mauro
  7. Ciao, many thanks to everybody for the nice w.e. Yes...the track was a bit (!) dangerous and the race was something strange..more attention to holes and trees than to other vespa racer but... thanks a lot for the organization. two videos, I have some more also for the other classes but I must digitalize the tape, so be patient, they'll arrive Qualification class C3 C4 race 2 class C3 -C4 151-250 cc ciao Mauro
  8. Many thanks to everybody for the nice week end! very nice track and excellent drivers on it. It was a great pleasure for us to have the opportunity to run .... If you have any link for pictures or video for the races please put them here so we all can enjoy them. see you soon mauropapà - Teste Cromate SC- -Team Quattrini-
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