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king of the hill

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Alle Inhalte von king of the hill

  1. a BIG thank you to the German scooterists that came to Antwerp last weekend !! sorry not everything has been up to the usuall standards , we made the best out of a bad situation and i think most can appreciate the event has not been cancelled but went along in the " too small & last minute " venue . i thank you for the support over all these years and i'm looking forward seeing you at another event for a drink ( or 2 ) !! special thanks to the German scooterists and clubs that brought their scooters to the event and SCK for the stall see ya this weekend in Koln ! greetz tim
  2. thanks for the reply " gammel " much appreciated !! just noticed writing fault it's Oude Bosuilbaan 54a but i'm sure you 'll find it :) see ya in the morning
  3. URGENT !! URGENT !! URGENT !! due to bouble booking change of venue for tomorrow's show !! new venue : ATRIUM , Oude Bosuillaan 54A , 2100 Deurne ( Antwerp football stadium ) please spread the word and we'll see you tomorrow we only recieved this news today at 18.00 and spend this evening finding a solution so the event could take place see you tim
  4. antwerp custom show weekender NR 15 ! same deal as always , friday relaxed drink with friends dowtown Antwerp , saturday ride out & nighter and on sunday customshow / partsfair . rafflescooter this year is a vespa px 125 disc , nice clean road going scooter :) we like to see some of the clubs from the past returning to Antwerp to celebrate with us : Zottel-Zossen , Jetsons , Hidden-Power , Los Piratos ..... and offcourse all other scooterists and their race , custom and classic scoots !!! bring along those fantastic scooters and show scooterists from all over europe how it's done in Germany more info about the event , like to show your scooter or sell parts get in touch : tim@lambretta-club-belgium.be see ya tim
  5. c'mon you guys and girls only 2 weeks left , enter your custom / race or classic scoots into the event ! 30 trophys to win with several custom and race classes so show us how it's done in Germany timmarleen@skynet.be for info some of the shops attending the event are : lambrettafinder ( belgium ) scooter passion ( belgium ) vespa classic parts ( belgium ) LTH (germany ) SCK ( germany ) vespissimo ( germany ) lambretta-art ( UK ) ........... still space for more so if you want to sell new or second handparts get in touch
  6. LCD mit deine fantastische Luna und j-range collection wie leste jahre ? alle klassiche und custom roller sind wilcome , brauch sie weiteres info : tim@lambretta-club-belgium.be auch fur handler und private verkauf platz selbstes adresse sorry for my German tried my best
  7. as always all classic & customscoots are welcome at the antwerp customshow if you like to show your scooter , want a clubdisplay or sell parts at the event get in touch . check out the flyer for details or get in touch if you need more info see ya tim
  8. thanks to all German scooterists that came to Antwerp last weekend !! sure hope you had a good time and looking forward to see you again next time . see ya tim we'll be working on a blog update soon so check it out in a few weeks for pics and vids of the event
  9. dont forget saturday all-nighter in Antwerp when coming for customshow !! 5dj line up bringing you the best soul , ska , boss , ........ bring along those German style racers and customs for the sunday show , 30 trophies to win see ya tim
  10. last couple weeks before the event , all custom and classic scoots welcome at this event !! still some space for trade stalls so get in touch if you want to do busines at this event . more info contact me : tim@lambretta-club-belgium.be see ya in antwerp tim
  11. more info will follow on the blog soon . if you want to display scoots or have a tradestall please get in touch : tim@lambretta-club-belgium.be or italianjob@pandora.be all classic and customscoots are welcome at this event !! 5dj line up at saturday allnighter , all the best soul , ska , boss , reggea ........ from 21.00 till ????
  12. thanks to all German scooterists and shops that came to the event !! we know there's mostly classics on show but thats what you see around here , you're all invited to show more German racers / customs next year it's the scooters that you bring along that make a show we hope those who came had a good time in Antwerp and are looking forward to see you on a rally or event later on this year thanks again see ya tim
  13. here's some pics of this years raffle scooter ! a real " little " lambretta classic , J50 with recent paintjob and running engine bring along your customs , racers and classic scoots all are welcome to show their scoots more info : tim@lambretta-club-belgium.be
  14. hello Ron , great to hear you're coming over to Antwerp !! i'll contact you later this week about the sidecar , not sure if i can bring scoots to Salzburg show but will be there anyway ;) greetz tim
  15. FREE allnighter on saturday 19/03 to kick off the weekend !! the best R&b , soul , ska , reggea , britpop , ... brought to you by local dj's and Uk guest dj starts at 21.00 till ?? venue : de kleine hedonist st-jacobsmarkt 34 2000 Antwerpen
  16. ANTWERP CUSTOMSHOW WEEKENDER 2011 18 - 20 march 2011 see flyer for more info or contact me if you want to show your scoot or sell parts tim@lambretta-club-belgium.be last year lots of unrestored scooters with tuned engines , hopefully this year some more restored and custom scoots at the end it's what you bring along that makes the show !! back to our old venue , it's completely renovated so much nicer than last year's place . see ya
  17. suche rechtse seitehaube ( motorseite ) fur vespa rally oder vespa gt160(spanien) must nach belgien geschickt werden wanted right hand sidepanel (engineside ) for vespa rally or spanish vespa gt160 must be send to belgium tim@lambretta-club-belgium.be paypall , bankconto no problem ( sorry for bad german )
  18. some pics of this years raffle scooter !! vespa t5 classic with sip exhaust and sportseat , running scoot for daily use or .... tickets only 1 euro
  19. if you like to show your scoot or have a stall contact me on timmarleen@skynet.be this year we're doing a special about 3 wheelers , so all you sidecar and lambro / ape lovers bring them to antwerp !! www.whitewall.tk or "antwerp custom show weekender" on facebook greetz tim
  20. antwerp customshow weekender 2010 26 - 28 march 2010 friday , welcome drink saturday , rid out and allanighter sunday , customshow check www.whitewall.tk for all info !! this year special sidecar , lambro and ape display win a classic vespa for 1 euro all clubs and dealers wanting a free display or stall get in touch now !! greetz tim
  21. verkaufe / for sale complete liquid cooled parabellum cilinder for vespa smallframe NOS , never used . pics on request price 300euro + postage ( worldwide ) mail : timmarleen@skynet.be
  22. sorry if in the wrong place or if i get misunderstood , he contacted me several times but unfortunatly it seems i cannot send my details to him . just hoping to reach him via this forum . if you know him just pas him my details . thanks in advance , tim
  23. hello , ich suche ein telnr oder email adresse von : andreas claaben , piaggio1974 an ebay looking for tel or email from andreas claaben , cannot contact him tru ebay anymore and need his details to contact him about a frame i bought of him . urgent , any help welcome thanks tim vinck 0032 478 21 89 66 timmarleen@skynet.be vinck_tim@hotmail.com
  24. ...no price no topic...
  25. verkaufe vespa gs vs2-4 lenker , nicht perfect 50? for sale vespa gs vs2-4 handlebar , not perfect , needs some alu welding , 50? postage at cost from belgium payment paypal or banktransfer
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