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keine paypal oder bankverbindung. nur nach deutschland versenden. Nicht für eine arme Norweger...
Suche MRB stützen mit membrane, unbearbeitet. Auch 27 Mikuni. Danke gruss Truls
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Truls221 antwortete auf bodybuildinggym's Thema in Vespa PX, T5, Cosa etc.
Does it pull the 4th gear also? -
Hi! Ich will auch sehr gern zwei stück fürn grosse bestellen wenn sie eine zweiten serie machen. Danke! grüss Truls
Most interesting, though, is what the difference would be on the dyno. The loss of more fresh gas through the exhaust is always positive. More gas to combust in the pipe resonance area = wider powerband. And better coolig to the piston.
Wer hat welche Leistung? nun auch hier
Truls221 antwortete auf bodybuildinggym's Thema in Vespa PX, T5, Cosa etc.
Nicht schlecht! Die bandbreite ist sehr erstaunlich bei die hohe vorauslass. Gratulieren! gruss Truls -
Genial! Ich nehme sehr gern 32 Stück, bitte. Wieviel kosten sie? Gibt es eine möglichkeit nach Norwegen zu senden? grüss Truls
Suche PSP2000 auspuff, zustand nicht wichtig. Alles sind interessant. Ein gutes Angebot wird gegeben. Bitte antworten an pm oder mail. grüss Truls221
I have a few questions regarding the advantage of a Einlass Rießengroß.... When using a mrb like housing, were are the flow from the tip of the reedcage aimed? How large is the crankcase volume? Would there be any advantage of welding on a mrb housing instead of bolting it? I don't think so, what do you mean? With a welded or bolted on inlet, like PBS, stroh, S&S etc. Were are the flow aimed? How large is the crankcase volume? I would assume that there is a measurable difference in crankcase compression between a mrb or a pbs system? But are there any restrictions in the flow capabilities of the engine when looking at it as a whole? The word CVF is ticking somewere.... Wouldn't the only improvement over the two types only be increased crankcase compression? The flow travel path? Crankcase volume? There is a paradox here somewere but I don't know how to find it? I've seen dynographs of the same engine with both mrb and S&S inlet. (S&S homepage). There were no significant increase in max power, or torque. It can be discussed if a 10% increase in low end is worth a loss of 1200rpm overrev. Crankcase compression characteristics? The optimal performance of the inlet would be a sufficient and as short flow travel path as possible. There is no need to overadvantage the size of the inlet or membrane, this is also somehow linked to carburetor size I think. Would also think that the crankcase volume is of importance, the compression only alter certain characteristics? Can someone give me some facts? cheers truls
A trumpet shaped exhaust port, when looking at a saab engine is a smooth transition between the mean port area and the area of the exhaust channel. In this case the angle of the exhaust port top, forms a nice smooth edge into the exhaust channel. The saab engine has a straight exhaust port when looking from the piston at bdc. It goes a little sideways, but not much, it does not look like the smallframe cylinders. When porting my malossi I didn't think of smoothing a round edge from the port to the channel, I just cut and and almost did nothing more. The surface is smooth of course. The exhaust port area compared to the flange diameter area is 1225mm2 compared to 1134mm2 of the flange.
"Querschnittsänderungen im Auslasskanal sind eher scheiße, deswegen sollte komplett durchgehend bearbeitet werden." From what I've heard regarding the SAAB two-stroke tuning, trumpet shaped exhaust ports flow better and gives a better pulse. The exhaust port size of the saab engine is very limited due to the risk of grinding into the water channels. The upper edge has a an angle of 30 degrees at maximum raised exhaust port. I would believe that this would matter in general for all exhaust ports. We know already that if the gasflow is slower when it changes direction. What we want is the fastest possible gasflow in the blowdown period. Any thoughts? regards Truls
Thanks for the reply, as it seems, it is not the engine that flex in the frame, but the frame that flex with the engine, as to make it clear, the flex makes the rear wheel move in unwanted directions during cornering. What I'm looking for are modifications to stiffen up the frame, and to make it more rigid. The silent rubbers are in proper condition, and I think the frame is too soft to take advantage of stiffer bushings. If there are any ideas on how to stiffen up the rear frame it would be much appreciated. thanks, truls
Hi Which frame reinforcements are the most useful, to make the frame flex less with the engine when curving? Yes, the silentrubbers, but that is not the problem. The engine shakes sideways both horisontally and vertically in the svingarm pivot. Would it be advisable to to "deaden" up around the pivot or to stiffen the frame the whole way from the pivot to the shockabsorber mount? Or both? Anyone have similar problems with a cutdown? Any tips and recommendations are welcome. thanks truls
35,5 PS und 32 Nm mit dem 221er Malossi
Truls221 antwortete auf Johannes's Thema in Vespa PX, T5, Cosa etc.
Thanks for a nice reply! After reading your answer I must agree that the port duration could be of minor importance. I find it amazing though, how little the blow down affects the maximum power and the max rpm. And how much it affects the torque and the bottom-end power, when comparing carstens engine with the different cylinders. An interesting comparison although, I think would be to make a similar cylinder with unraised exhaust port and with the 2.transfer ports raised and widened. It is interesting to watch the pipe tuning! Keep up the good work! Ps! The pipe dimensions are top secret I suppose? Truls -
35,5 PS und 32 Nm mit dem 221er Malossi
Truls221 antwortete auf Johannes's Thema in Vespa PX, T5, Cosa etc.
Hi congratualtions with the power! What I miss is more facts about the engine if you don't mind. If you take it step by step is it possible to say which modification that made the power increase? If I understood it right you have angled the crankwebs, increased the 2. transfer port and with a new exhaust you made a + 4hp increase from your previous dyno run? What compression do you run? Another question I have is how the power curve would have been with lower port durations, same area and same blowdown? Does this affect the maximum power or do you just gain more torque at lower rpm? What I can't really understand is how the sky-high durations can be necessary, suited for a max rpm of 12-13000? When using reasonable transfer port durations like 123-127 is it so that it is too low to get a reasonable torque? And to increase the transfer port duration you have to rise the exhaust too? This is a leading question. I have done some calculations using Bimotion software, and when putting in malossi exhaust port raised 2mm and widened 4mm you get a desired time-area for a specific maximum power. For example 30hp at 8000rpm. The problem is that the desired transfer port time-area is much too small. The conclusion must be that to achieve this great maximum power, with a small transfer port area, you compromise by larger transfer port duration. And thus increasing the exhaust duration to an unwanted high level? Would it be worth the try to increase the area by widening the transfer ports and make the 2. port to the same height as the main transfer. Any ideas? By the way, if I remember right carsten had transfer port duration of 126 and exhaust duration of 188, but the maximum power and the power curve is quite simialar to yours with the same exhaust? So have carsten increased the transfer port area in any way or is it just that his motor have achieved good cylinder filling in other ways? thanks for any answers Truls -
Is the engine still reliable with the high compression? What about the heat? Taffspeed told me they would not go beyond 12,5:1 aircooled and max 13,5:1 with mapable ignition. Does a change in compression ratio affect the postition of the flap valve? So that with higher compression the flap open more at a given rpm? In short, when you increase the compression does the power increase proportional? Any thoughts? Truls
Congratulations Andre! Nice work and a great idea!! Is it just a regular pop-off valve from a turbocharger you have used? Do you mind sharing the difference between min. and max. exhaust duration? :love: truls
I would guess a Kegra; 1992 and a long header pipe.
With the bridge you can possibly widen the exhaust to 53mm and get a very good area. Depends on how careful you are around the cylinder bolt holes. With that width of the exhaust port, you'll need a radius of at least 12mm and so the port will get a very good shape I don't think the zirri cylinder will be much better than a malossi cylinder, but the width of the port makes it interesting. depends on how much work you will put in it
was willst du ? renn oder strasse? 16:1 geometrisch grosse kühler 6-klappen schamlippe original kolben taffspeed nicasil beschichtung hast du mehr bilder der zylinder?
here are the sources: http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~elvpc/progs/expch.html http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2p5sj/expcham.htm
The point is that the values you input are closely related to each other. If you take maximum horsepower at the relevant rpm from a dynograph, and capacity, then put this into the formula these are the determining factors for the result. The tuned lenght are more like a constant in this matter.
here it is, http://home.no/trulsherland/duration_calc.xls