*Raeusper* das Bohrbild am PK-Daempfer ist ein anderes als das an der PX-Grimeca-Ankerplatte. @Kty: your Q refers to the different distance of the holes, comparing the PK-damper to the PX bracket where it shall be fixed to, right? Why not enlarge the holes in the bracket (~1mm either side) and leave the welded nuts where they are. Concerning brake pipe: If you look at the picture you notice that, if the hexagonal part of the union sits flush on the calliper, it would not push the flange of the pipe against its counterpart in the calliper. did you get me? To change the union you have to cut the pipe flange to be able to swap the union for one with a longer thread. Please also check this brake pipe and flange info (and pics). BILD: www.hehlhans.de/bilder/autos/g240/alb/boerdel7.jpg