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Leistungen von Sucho10


member (3/12)


Reputation in der Community

  1. Ciao, Blu Chiaro 890 azzurro metallizzato 1.288.0890 Copriventola colore alluminio 1.268.0983 antiruggine: nocciola 3000M Luigi Belgio
  2. Hello MISA Besitzer, I want to sell a vintage original '60 licence plate holder + original '60 Belgian licence plate. Both in excellent condition ! This is a VERY VERY RARE set to find. As my Vespa VNB1T is imported from Italy, I do not need this item. Exchange to an original Italian liscence plate holder is possible ! Regards. Luc Belgium
  3. Hello Davidprinz, Genau, Ich habe ein Estratto Cronologico von ein Freund (was ein offizielles Dokument ist) von ein VNB3T und darin steht : VNB3T, geliefert mit VNB1M Motor. Ich habe seit Jahren einen VNB3T mit VNB1M Motor, aber Ich habe keine offiziellen Dokumente. Grüsse Luc Belgien.
  4. Hello, Ich suche VNB3T Besitzer mit originale VNB1M motor. Fahrgestellnummer um 40000. VNB3T*39749* und VNB3T*42031* sind schon bekannt mit doc. Haben Sie auch ein gleichen Vespa ? Lassen Sie mich schnell wissen. Vielen Dank. Grüssen. Luc Belgien.
  5. Hello, Ich suche einen VNB3M motor ohne Ausbrüche oder Risse, für einen Neuaufbau. Grussen. Luc Belgien
  6. Hello all, I already posted my question on the Belgian Forum, withoutany succes. Now, I will give it a try on the German Forum. The left side cowl of my VNB1T Vespa of 1960 has a strange built in profile. Does it look familiar to someone ? Has someone seen this before and perhaps most interesting : What is the meaning of this panel ? Why is it made for ? Greetings Luc Belgium
  7. Helo Stuka, I have a VNB1T of 1960. Measurement : 39cm Succes ! Luc Belgium
  8. Hello Albeni, I also have a VNB1T that I bought in Italy. As your scooter, I do not have any batterie. VNBT exists both with and without batterie. Regards. Luc Belgium
  9. Hello, Can anybody tell me what model this is ? Regards. Luc
  10. Hello, Can anybody tell me what model this is ? Regards. Luc
  11. Hello, Last year I was in Monticelli. There was a reunion of Vespa owners. Incredible experience !! What a 'normal' German or Belgian owner NEVER would do, you can find in the land of Vespa : someone overthere was present with his PAPERINO !!! Do you believe that ??? Greetings Belgium
  12. T4, you did not understand the question : Of course the light is painted from the outside for VNB1T. The question is : how does the inside look ? Chrome or painted ???
  13. Hello, For the restoration of my VNB1T, I need some info about the rear light. Can anybody tell me which light is mounted on a VNB1T of 1960 ?? Is it the left light with chrome plating ? Or is it the right hand side light with a blue paint finishing ? Please do confirm left or right, and if possible with a confirmation picture. Many thanks for your kind cooperation. De Winter Luc Belgium
  14. Hallo, For a long time already, I'm restoring my Vespa VNB1T. Today, I've come to the point of peening my Vespa Logo. However, I wonder how the backside of the rivets have to look : flat or round ? Flat with waffle mark or not ? Can anybody sent me a picture of a non-restored Vespa VNB1T (or VNA, or VBB or Sprint), to have a close look at the backside of the rivet. Many thanks for your kind cooperation. Greetings. Luc Belgium
  15. Hello all, This is my little contribution for 'Donza'. Donza is the latin name for Deinze. This is a Belgian village near to Gent. The manufacturer "Van Hauwaert & Van Autreeve" produced between 1950-60 different parts for bycicles and scooters : saddles, cascs, sacs,... This manufacturer delivered saddles to MISA, situated in Brussels (Jette). The duoseat was an option, available from 1961. It wasmounted as standard seat from 1962 on. I have such a duoseat in my possession, that I'm willing to sell. It is in very, very good and original shape : This a real change for someone who is looking for an original MISA dual seat in almost perfect condition. If you are interested, please take contact via email. Do not bid on the site. Kind regards from Belgium. Luc
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