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  1. hello I have a o-tuning 125 and got last week 2 exhausts from PD: the basic star and a S-box just to compare with my previous sip road. Sometimes ago you were wondering about a reliable o-tuning jetting: I'm using a SI 24G 120/BE4/122, 100/50 My cylinder is quite "ported" and get more than 10 bhp am rad. My timing is inlet: 125/65=190°, E 180° (175° at the time of the bench) and T 123°. I've just put the SBox to match the Sip road this week and, Jesus, my (modest) o-tuning became a screamer! I'm expecting lot of power am rad with the BS.... some pictures: Uploaded with ImageShack.us leistungkürve with the sip road. I will get a new run ( S-Box on) asa the running in is over and the jetting fine. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. +1 try to stay around 170 AS, 120 US and remain under 75 NOT for ES....
  3. Wie ist der zustand deinem motor?
  4. Hello, really sorry to write it in english but my german is a bit too "magger" . I red the complete SS saga and I wanted to pay my contribution in a certain way... First: BE2 is leaner (magger) than the BE3. You won't prevent a new seizure by using this mixture tube. It's got more and bigger holes than the BE3 so it pulls more air to mix with fuel. Secondly: I'm rebuilding a complete SS engine de novo (engine case from San Diego, barrel from Rimini, clutch and the 2 unfoundable right gearbox bearings from England and a lot from Germany, just to replace my previous engine running a Pinasco "doppel einzauger"... Having studying the "0-tuning für Dümmies" by heart I've decided to make a o-tuning SS180. Not a rebored one, just 181 cc, a dremel and some pictures in mind of the curare racing boost ports and the Scauri tuning pages. The engine is now close to completion and just need to get back in his frame. setup: standard cylinder with an extra (and sinuous!) port ES:150° US:120 AS:170 sip road vespatronic squish:1,25mm SI 27/23 rebored to 27/27 jetting: LF: 55 (original) HD: 160/BE3/128-130 clutch standard 22/67 (maybe need to upgearing it to 23/67...) Uploaded with ImageShack.us just to compare with a stock GS barrel: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Auslass: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. nice work and nice shots! where did you find the relay that will operate both carburators?
  6. Hello I'm french and tried several times to post in german but obviously my german was too poor to get an easy understanding from the GSF membership. Here are (old) photos from my 180 SS. I had to put a pinasco double inlet because of a massive seizure that stuck the piston in his barrel a long time ago. It was in the late 80ties and no internet and no way to find a decent SS barrel in replacement at this time. I found the Pinasco during an italian trip and tried to fit it in the SS engine case. Not that simple because of the smaller diameter of the case to shove the cylinder in. Only the reed valve inlet was used with a small 19 mm carb and it worked really fine at that time. I'm now trying to restaure the SS and I'm building a brand new engine in a O-tuning way (amazing!!!) I guess the double inlet makes the throtle a mess to get a correct running... Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us just one photo of the new SS barrel (real 180cc) that will replace the Pinasco's in a next future. Uploaded with ImageShack.us The complete O-tuning restauration is on http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=83492 you will probably need to register and it's in french and a good way to learn this f.....g language!!!!!
  7. guck mal: it seems that you can fit a 23 kuluzhanrad with a 67 zähen auf der primär: http://www.vespaio.net/Vespa180SS%20-%20VSC1T.htm
  8. check your plug too! Change it and run to compare.
  9. guck mal http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=13960&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=180
  10. So, hier ist mein projekt für einer O-tuning PX 125 E I folgte den anweisungen des O-tunings für dummies auf der GSF lesen. KWgehäuse überarbeitet mit US angepasst, einlass nur ein weinig gefrässt und breitenet Zylinder mit breiteneren US geöffnet als ein Kreidler Van Veen! Auslass breiter (34 mm) und höher geöffnet Originale welle gefrässt am drehshieber (offnung 130° vot so 20° gefrässt vor dem pleuel) und 15° nach OT O kolben geöffnet 2,3mm fudi Cosa 2 kopf 0,86 mm gefrässt QS 0,9 mm PK lüfterrad 1800g, Zündung 16°vot SI 24 G mm vergaser ovaliesiert bedüsung: HD 120/BE4/110-115, LLD 50/100 T5 luftfilter mit offenem herzen SIP road auspuff Die steuerzeiten sind: einlass 130°vot, 50°nOT, total 180° auslass 175° US 125° VA 25° Das problem ist der Cosa 2 kolben unauffindbar. Er ist verscheiden von dem PX kolben ( mit L ring) und hat einen flashen kopf und 2 engen ringen/ px mit gewölbtem kopfes und dicken ringen. Der zentralkopf "match" den Cosa kolben (squishband OK 4-5° geoffnend); PX kolben nicht: negativ squish... Cosa 2 kolben unauffindbar in online shop oder Piaggio...
  11. Salut, tu peux y aller comme simple visiteur sans problème. Comme sur le GSF tu dois t'enregistrer si tu veux poster..; Stéphane. PS: du kannst ins deutsch sprechen:ich verstehe die globale meinung...
  12. Hum, hum entschuldigung Ich bin ganz neu, wohne ins Franckreich (Paris) Ich fliege oft über dem GSF. Ich habe einen PX200 FL mit o-tuning (http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=26815&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30), PX125 arco (das problem), einen SS 180, einen TS 125, einen Lambretta LD 125
  13. Hallo Phill, Ich bin franzose und spreche ich nur minimal deutsch. Ich frage mich die selbe dinge als du über dem Cosa kopf mit zentral ZK für einen o-tuning PX125. Ich habe das volgenes problem dass die L ring kolben klappt nicht mit dem zentralkopf: es gibt ein negativ squish. Du kannst mein topic lesen hier: http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=78442&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=270 es gigt eine kleine deutsche übersetzung. GD hat mir gesagt dass ich muss ein QK>1mm lassen. Aber es ist unmöglich weil die verdichtung werde zu leicht sein (<9) Was meinst du bei "wollte den Kopf eh noch bearbeiten wegen QK" ? gruss, Stéphane.
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