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Alle Inhalte von audiard2

  1. impressive broad of power at high revs but sounds like deep space emptiness till 7500... wouldn't like to be your clutch basket when it kicks in......
  2. did you change anything else but the oil in your shock?
  3. yes we need your acurate ignition timing and your complete jet setup: if your PHBH 30 is stock you're about to find AS 266 (maybe a bit too "fett") X2 needle, 55 idle jet... Whatever 118 seems small on a 207 cc breathing thru a 30mm carb... Could sound like your mixer tube/needle needs a change to a leaner one and your main jet a raise....
  4. hard to drill the 2nd hole in the T5 air filter cause it's right in a pin... I enlarged the existing one to 6-8 mmmm and try fo drill obliquely the one upon idle jet to 3-4 mm. Yes PX jet shortened , no difference. no modification on fuel hose/tap for such a small capacity engine and fuel needs....
  5. did you set your jetting normaly for a SS? no issue with your choke? if everything is ok and your plug wet your ignition has a failure. did you check with another plug?
  6. it would be soon... I'll get new Dello 30 and set of needles/mixer tubes tomorrow said DHL...
  7. Ja Ja close to completion but I'm striking against my old multi owners PHBH30 and just can't set main jetting. Main is drifting between 102 to 130 without any solution. I should get my SIP package within a few days. It's amazingly torkey (use to ride a o-t T5 without any guts under 5000...) at bottom end and sounds like full streamer after 5000... Got big problems to set the taffy with wide tyre and bolted in replacement a pep3 till i can find a real expansion pipe in a silent way... (Could be a scorpion?!) I changed the 2,2 Kg FW vespatronic for a 1kg and gained lot of acceleration.. keep you posted ASA carb's setup. before Uploaded with ImageShack.us after Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  8. nice project and nice pics of Paris and Honfleur (??).. You were in France this summer?
  9. sehr schoener kopf!
  10. lesen = nicht Jedermanns Sache...leider. Es tut mir leid.... Bolzen- und Schweigegummiexorzist who can do more can do less: what's good for a 177cc is probably good for a 135cc! I don´t think so...without restriction I guess short stroke, big ports, widdened exhaust, increased timing (126/188°) as shown might bring some extra power as a o-tuning T5...
  11. ja ja warum nicht! aber das is ein altes projekt ganz vertig....
  12. kolben/üs angepasst, o-kolben und ringen, >3000 km ohne prob; QS ist 1,2mm. Uploaded with ImageShack.us o-welle mit 57mm hub bearbeitete mit 125°/65° Uploaded with ImageShack.us Bolzen- und Schweigegummiexorzist who can do more can do less: what's good for a 177cc is probably good for a 135cc!
  13. eine paar photos meinem Dr (177): zylinder- auslass, kopf mit grossem brenntraum: mit SBox, SI 24:19 PS (dynorun...) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  14. I'm riding a 1986 T5 (motovespa) powered by a 172 Pinascossi with 2 fournales shocks. This is just amazing how different it is from standard shocks. Much confortable, better absorbtion on any type of tracks. No possibility to hit the bottom. Great, light (600 gr), but a bit expensive product. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  15. for sure!
  16. the bigger the bitter! sometimes much cubic capacity for not that much leistung mehr....
  17. you're right: always get back to the old recipes!
  18. nice try but a bit deceptive?? small capacity cylinders leave us not much choices: much power at high rpm or a bit more torque and acceleration but kein pferde anymore!
  19. Auslass 110°, UES 122°? unmoeglisch...
  20. öl loch. Du kannst auch diesen loch stilllegen.
  21. sorry a bit late to answer was in hollydays... Yes piston top to top is around 3 mm.... Actually, I kept the 52mm stroke ,126/186° and 1mm base gasket. Engine is now complete and shut. Excentric and 0,8mm base gasket ready for a next casing split if needed! Vtronic fan wheel didn't pass the right cylinder transfert hump and made an awfull grinding noise. Sort of a classic with pinasco kit! i had to dig a bit border of squish : head became too small after reboring. QS: 1,25 mm with the 1mm base gasket! cool isn'it? no head gasket needed. PS: GD never answered my question about MMW head/malossi piston matching.... Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  22. sehr sehr schoene restauration! Aber welcher alu zylinder ist es? pinasco?
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