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    Stockholm / Schweden

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870 Profilaufrufe

Leistungen von henkan


talent (2/12)


Reputation in der Community

  1. Thats the best, outside water cooling is the new thing ! [emoji2]
  2. Some videos to show that it made it to the road, at least for a few test runs https://youtu.be/hRczMP51sJQ https://youtu.be/Iub_CHvGAvs https://youtu.be/_rVRRd6s5xg Cheers ! /H
  3. This is the end for me in the Devil Inside project. The engine now placed on a pallet and on its way to a the happy new owner located in Germany. Thanks for your support and feedback !
  4. http://www.germanscooterforum.de/topic/317925-devil-inside-vespa-px-engine-with-water-cooled-malossi-220cc/
  5. A temporary setup of the radiator. I have not had the chanse to test it yet.
  6. Waterpump is there....
  7. No fan, just using the power of nature and speed..
  8. Ok. Back on track! Using an old front luggage rack to test with the cooler in the front. Testing the setup on another scooter. Thinks the cooler look so ugly at the front but hopefully it will cool down the water temperature. Just will have to get some longe hoses or pipes to connect it to the pump and the engine.
  9. @reVintage you are so right. I have been out on a test ride for a few km. The possition under the side panel is not optimal as you will not get enough natural air flow. Using the electic fan is ok but it takes to much power to have it always on. Except for this it was a nice ride with a lot of power in the engine. The cooling problem can easily be solved by puting the cooler on the front of the legshield however I think it does not look so nice. My plan to build a water cooled sleeper seames to fail so I may pass the engine on to some one who likes to do a more spectacular build.
  10. @revintage, I don't know yet, have just taken short test runs. I am in progress of fitting a volt meter as I am afraid that the power to the water pump and fan may fail and the I better stopp ASAP. I keep you updated!
  11. Most things fitted underneath the side panels. Added a luggage box to hide the fact that the scooter got some tuning [emoji41]
  12. New reed blades installed
  13. New reeds seams to do the job far better then the Superval [emoji2] https://instagram.com/p/4KOJ3iACtB/ Now just figuring out some electrical problems.....
  14. Thanks for the info Brosi. What will be the difference without the stuffer?
  15. I have now installed a Honda NSR 125 reed. Some minor modifications where needed to make it fit. Exited to try starting it....
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