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  • Scooter Club
    Blacksmih Scooter Club

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541 Profilaufrufe

Leistungen von revintage


newbie (1/12)


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  1. And never go slow or stop at red light in the city . No waterpump either?
  2. Ooops! But good for testing. Will you still have an electric fan with thermostat?
  3. Hey Henkan, Don´t give up yet. I understand the problem, who wants fat water hoses all over? My idea was to find an extremely low profile, wide cooler to place in front of stand and exhaust.
  4. Heia Oysten, A Malossi pump consumes below 15W. No problem! How much does the fan consume?
  5. Great, keep us posted! Building a 235 with liquid cooled head. Just trying to figure out how small cooler I can use. Suppose you´ve seen this: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1468875480064315.1073741847.1455954171356446&type=3 Will update with your latest pics.
  6. Hej Topps! Have you had the chance to check the effiency of the cooling system? Was thinking of if you get enough with the cooler and fan hidden under the side panel. mvh Lars
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