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Polini be very good, but the block should be routed. What if they put me Polini original engine? I looked pinasco, there need not be routed. Pinasco weaker than dr? Sz
Hello, Why is it better? Stronger, more torque? In Hungary, there is a lot of people dr, I do not like the sound of each ring. Sz
Which would be better?(px125) Sz
Hello, Mir sind yss Stoßdämpfer.unten sehr hart.Motor Leiden.welche Stoßdämpfer unten weich?original sehr weich.carbone,bgm Meinung?50-60 euro Preis wäre gut. Sz
I understand Now I put it on, but do not function normally. Small speed and no power. High speed starts, it runs beautifully. I can not find the error. Carburetor 20/20, 45/140, 102 Next year I want to pinasco177, so choose now mazzu racing crank But now the problem is with him
Original px125 cylinder, can be used mazzu chrankshaft racing? What can I expect original 125 cylinder www.sip-scootershop.com/en/products/racing+crankshaft+mazzucchelli+_45000000
Hello, I do mazzu racing crankshaft original px125. Ignition must be stopped? Now factory setting, the engine is not going well There is no power, not turning well. Exhaust sip road1 Szasza
hello, For me it would be a good carburetor? www.kepesmotor.hu/motor_karburator/p1394859
My 2. exhaust gallery.site.hu/d/23945066-2/111_0790_1.JPG gallery.site.hu/d/23945069-2/111_0791_1.JPG [gallery.site.hu/d/23945084-2/111_0796_1.JPG gallery.site.hu/d/23945081-2/111_0795_1.JPG
Hello, How to get more out of orig. px125 I do not want to replace cylinder I do not want to replace the crankshaft There is reason to modify the cylinder? How? Exhaust sito plus is, it would be good for it? Did SI24 carburator? Any idea? Szasza
Would Malle166 MKII original,Big box would be even better PM? Interestingly, I thought I better PM
Good / very good PHB to be better than vhst? I am looking at data from the net, I think to be a better vhst
Offi, I would be a good VHST carburetor? Sz
I will need a fuel pump? I see many people would build on, not a good gravity? Sz
What carburetor would be good for me? I think 28 or 30 But there is no difference or the difference be? What brand would be good? Mikuni TM or TMX? Dellorto phbh? Dellorto which would be even good? I Keihin very good, but expensive Best regard Szasza
Hello, Tan found online these exhausts I liked the idea but the price was a lot of me Megadella very pleased V4 I found a lot of pictures, a lot of information(italy vespa forum). Calculated dimensions and asked for help computer at vespa friendly design. I did everything myself, not laser cut the pieces TIG welded Friend work 1.2mm thick iron plate [imghttp://gallery.site.hu/d/23770285-2/20140422_094030.jpg] Finish (Later I painted Black painted) I made MRP copied I really liked this store I thought I was doing one for myself TIG welded 1.5mm thick iron plate, Later I painted Black painted
Hello, My setup Malossi 166 MK2 orig. RD350 reed valve 28-30 carburator P200 clutch short 4.gang 23/65 PM EVO exhaust 1600gr flywheel 60mm crank I think the engine will be 18 to 20 HP?? yes?? Szasza
Thanx, Please give me link the conversion bearing. S & S bell crankshaft pretty good, but 300euro,plus post For me it is now much Therefore, looking at the other
Hello, My setup Malossi 166 MK2 orig. RD350 reed valve 28-30 carburator P200 clutch 23/65 PM EVO exhaust 1600gr flywheel Should be absent crankshaft I think the engine will be 18 to 20 HP yes? Which would be good? Which one to choose? http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1620016/Crankshaft+RACING+reed+intake+60mm+stroke+lip+type+Vespa+PX125+PX150?meta=?cat=C_V_VNX2T&catmatch=CAT_KURBELWELLE_KURBELWELLE http://www.germanscooterforum-shop.de/en/products/flowed+crankshaft+serie+pro+_46030000 http://www.germanscooterforum-shop.de/en/products/full+circle+crankshaft+mazzu_45050000 Someone else thought?? (There is a maximum of EUR 200) best regards Szasza
Thax everyone 3. Yes, we need to think about this How much difference can PE28 vs. Pinasco SI26/26 Which can be easily adjusted best regards Szasza
Hello, Which do you think would be better? worth more money reed valeve, it will be better? less jinks, more tours the 1.5mm gasket, where to put? base or head? what to expect HP/torques? 1. Malossi 166 60mm crankshaft MRP reed valve box and PE28 Keinhin carburator PM Evo exhaust Flywheel original 2. Malossi 166 60mm crankshaft Pinasco SI2626 carburatore PM Evo exhaust Flywheel original best regards Szasza
PX-/T5-Motor/-Zündung/PK-Gabel in Oldie etc BlaBla
Szasza antwortete auf Lacknase's Thema in Vespa Rally, Sprint, VNA, VNB, VBB, V125, etc.
Danke Wo verkürzte Gabel? Irgendwo in diesem Bild? Ich habe die XL2Gabel ist gut ,Sie können es tu? -
PX-/T5-Motor/-Zündung/PK-Gabel in Oldie etc BlaBla
Szasza antwortete auf Lacknase's Thema in Vespa Rally, Sprint, VNA, VNB, VBB, V125, etc.
Hello Ich habe vnb5 Ich würde es tun pk Gabel Welche ist gut? XL2? Wie man eine Gabel verkürzen? Wie viel kürzer? Was wäre ein guter Stoßdämpfer sein? Thanx