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pk_damiano_4hp hat zuletzt am 26. Oktober 2015 gewonnen

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Über pk_damiano_4hp

  • Geburtstag 17.09.1990

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  1. Hallo, ich bin der Designer dieser Auspuffanlagen. Die verfügbaren Versionen sind: Rmp Rpm+ RpmX Torque Torque+ TorqueX und sind für diese Motoren verfügbar: Px 125-150 Px 200 Cosa 125-150 Cosa 200 Für insgesamt 24 Varianten, für die Vespa T5 ist die Px125-150-Version mit Adapter in Ordnung. Die Torque-Version hat einen 5 cm längeren Krümmer als die RPM-Version Die Standardversion verfügt über ein 16-mm-Terminal, die + -Version über ein 19-mm-Terminal und die X-Version über ein 22-mm-Terminal. Auf diese Weise ist es möglich, sie sowohl an Motoren mit Membranventil und großen Vergasern als auch an Drehschiebermotoren mit kleinen Vergasern anzupassen. Derzeit gibt es nicht alle Versionen auf 10pollici.com, da sie ein Problem mit der Website hatten. Ich freue mich auf die Bewertung von freakmoped. Alle Fotos finden Sie unter diesem Link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/WhiteOneRacing/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2614314705335937 Wir arbeiten auch an einigen Lambretta-Schalldämpfern für CasaPerformance Ich hoffe ich habe verständlich geschrieben, ich habe Google Übersetzer verwendet. guten Abend
  2. Tests are continuing: After yesterday dyno, we decided to do some modification to shorty prototype, modify the calibration of the bench and also try a new type muffler the Proma (with increased manifold) and MDM Easy (very appreciated on stroke 43mm engigne). In the graphs, you can appreciate the power difference, being equal all parameters among the tested exhaust, I remember being: - The Sito Shaft; - The Polini "Banana"; - The Proma with increased manifold; - The MDM Shorty; - The MDM Easy. The engine was not changed. The results I differ from those posted yesterday because today we managed to find a better setting of the parameters of the bench, however, remember that the data obtained are only for comparative purposes since the dealer calibration is not final. The comparison highlighted the excellent performance of the last born is compared to aftermarket mufflers from more than decent performance to both the MDM muffler best-selling ever. with the Sito the engine had 11,58hp to 6256gir./min .; with the Polini the engine had 9,96hp to 7938gir./min .; with the Proma the engine had to 13,10hp 7502gir./min .; with the MDM Shorty the engine had 14,57hp to 6499gir./min .; with the MDM Easy the engine had to 15,22hp 7099gir./min .. https://www.facebook.com/gianluca.marri/videos/10206722013069281/
  3. The engine in question was made on the basis of crankcase PK first series (2 holes), mounts a 102cc Polini cylinder with the exhaust slightly less than 180 °, reed valve Polini manifold with carburetor SHBC 19mm, standard crankshaft adapted to reed valve, 26/69 primary and standard gearbox.
  4. Hi Guys, I wanted to let you know about a product that I executed the design. It is a muffler for small-frame which also mounts in the Vespa HP without removing the battery or the spare wheel. I could test it on the dyno with excellent results, also making comparisons with Exhaust Polini Banana and Shaft site. Sito Shaft 10,41cv a 8475gir./min.;Polini Banana 9,47cv a 9303gir./min.;MDM Shorty 13,79cv a 8975gir./min.. hope you like it https://www.facebook.com/gianluca.marri/videos/10206708168283170/
  5. This is my Piaggipolinossi: Piaggio cylinder, Malossi piston, Polini head, stroke 59mm
  6. new testing:
  7. New model: Megadella L compact
  8. are just prototypes, mufflers final will be more beautiful
  9. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.663652760402151.1073741919.151893714911394&type=3 the crankshaft
  10. cylinder 185/128, head 11,5:1 squish 1,2mm the operator of dynojet told me yamaha 500 mk1 t-max has 28-29hp on his dyno and if on my Vespa I decreasing the main jet, could come to 27-28hp.
  11. I have a "conventional" engine
  12. into the boostport? ??? please using simple terms that I can translate easily the engine: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.663427803757980.1073741918.151893714911394&type=3
  13. Finally I did the test at dynojet. The engine: Malossi MHR 221 Polini Head V-force4 Rd350 valve phbe36 megadella XL crackshaft by WhiteoneRacing primary 25/62 DRT Gearbox standard px200 26,53Hp - 2,68Kgm - 160km/h
  14. Tomorrow I will the test to the dynojet. meanwhile we have developed another megadella for engine with max displacement 210cc:
  15. On forum responsible for sales it is Koyote 78. About the development of the muffler I can say: To understand if an exhaust is better than another do not need the test bench, the test bench is necessary to understand how is better. The muffler megadellaXL is the best megadella for big cubic capacity engines, how much better we'll know next week (I hope).
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