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  1. Hello, I am the Olivier the manufacturer of Kheper. Just to tell you that Kheper is more than ever an active product, available on Amazon in Europe, SIP scooter or directely on kheper-scooter.com Let me know if you have any questions, ---- Hallo, ich bin der Olivier der Hersteller von Kheper. Nur um Ihnen zu sagen, dass Kheper mehr denn je ein aktives Produkt ist, das über Amazon in Europa, SIP-Scooter oder direkt über kheper-scooter.com verkauft wird Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie Fragen haben,
  2. Hello Guys I have a few Kheper available ready to ship via Fedex or DHL, 140€ all included. https://www.paypal.me/kheperV3/140 Then in 2 weeks, I will have more on Amazon.de at 150€ Kind regards,
  3. True the update is always a bit risky (but it is fixable), I'm testing at a better way of doing it. Just to let you know, we are making right now a large batch of Kheper, it's made in Haut-Rhin France at 5 km from the German border, it all should be available for sell beginning of June. I will make a private sale with a discount on this forum, then the remaining of the stock will go to Amazon Germany. http://kheper-scooter.com/2016/02/scaita-blog/
  4. It is not a bug, it is a feature :) I disabled the firmware upgrade page because it seems too risky if done improperly. And to my knowledge, all Kheper are up to date. But if you need the upgrade send me a private message. Thanks
  5. Hello HandreasH No problem I will support you by email Thanks
  6. Dear German riders, here is the Kheper maker talking to you. Indeed Kheper is out of stock for a while on Amazon, but 3 months ago I made a new batch of 10 units implementing some modification to improve the reliability of the product. These 10 units were sent across Europe to different testers including some units in Germany, UK, France and Austria, the goal was to have some feedback on the reliability of these modifications. Today NONE of the 10 testers report any failure or problem, this is encouraging but because of the frozen Europe most of the 10 people did not ride enough kilometers to make a definitive conclusion. So I will wait I think another month and then make a large batch of Kheper. I will keep you posted on this channel Google translated : Liebe deutsche Fahrer, hier spricht der Kheper Maker mit dir. In der Tat ist Kheper für eine Weile bei Amazon vergriffen, aber vor 3 Monaten habe ich eine neue Charge von 10 Einheiten gebaut. Diese 10 Einheiten wurden an verschiedene Tester in ganz Europa geschickt, darunter einige Einheiten in Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich und Österreich. Keiner der 10 Tester meldet heute Fehler oder Probleme, das ist ermutigend, aber wegen des gefrorenen Europas sind die meisten der 10 Leute nicht genug geritten, um eine endgültige Entscheidung zu treffen. Also werde ich warten, denke ich noch einen Monat und dann eine große Menge von Kheper. Ich werde dich auf diesem Kanal auf dem Laufenden halten
  7. My dear german friends, Yes we do have some reliability issues on some motors, stopping after some random time, the root cause is yet unknown. To understand the problem I've launched a few months ago a testing campaign by giving out some units to testers across Europe. As the result of this test I will soon receive a "faulty" stator plates from a tester so I can isolate the issue and solve it. Until Kheper is 100% reliable I stop to sell it. I'll keep you posted, on my work. Olivier
  8. Hello all, Are there any Kheper V3 (former) users who had some random stops of the motor, then you needed to completly stop the engine to restart? If yes I think I have a fix for that very specific issue that happen on a small number of scooter! If you are interested to test, please send me a private message and I will send you a free Kheper to test, of course if it works you could keep the kheper for free :) Thanks
  9. If you have the message "not enough space..." format the Kheper drive, then try again to put your curve preset file. If you were in a middle of an upgrade (only needed if you bought on Amazon before 15/09/16) just redo the upgrade from step 1. I just added that question to the FAQ: http://kheper-scooter.com/2015/12/faq/ thanks
  10. Hello Dasoffa, Is this the same on postion 0 (no delay) ? Do you have also the issue on a cold motor or only when the motor is hot? Thanks
  11. Just replied to you, the firmware programmer was in vacation, now back to work.
  12. Freakmoped, Sorry for you're experience, but we are now testing with some GSF user the rpm limitation around 6000rpm you have experienced. I'll let you know when we will have more feedback on that. thanks
  13. Hello, Here is the creator of Kheper. If anyone still have an issue with the kheper doing some strange thing around 6000rpm (like a revolution limitation) please contact me on private messages I have a beta firmware that might be able to solve this. thanks
  14. Hi guys here is the creator of Kheper talking. I've put it back in online on Amazon. If you have the issue and you think that is due to Kheper send me a private message I will have a firmware to try in 10 days that is more tolerant with weird pick-up level. in any case, If this is due to Kheper and if it cannot be fixed by software i guarantee the exchange or refund anyway. Thx
  15. Here is Rosco the Kheper creator talking. -For the firmware update, if you have a message saying no more space, just right click on the kheper V3 drive and format it (be carefull don't format your hard drive :) ), then start again the firmware update instructions from step 1: http://kheper-scooter.com/2016/06/how-to-upgrade-your-kheper/ -For the limit at 7000 rpm, what think is happening (just a theory not verified at that time) is that on most pickup (red wire) the signal is usually around 0.8v but on some this value get below specification at higher rpm (apparently 7000), thus Kheper discards this as background noise. I need a bit more time to confirm this if this is the case I think that I might be able to change the threshold value of 0.8v by software update. But I might also wrong. Anyway anyone having this issue can send me a private message please. Also no stress, I extend your warranty to anyone having this issue so you don't have to rush to send it back on Amazon. Until we solve this I hold the Amazon stock. Cheers Rosco
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