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  2. 30er TMX wenn ich mich recht erinner Na ja, gehört ja eigentlich au net hier her, ist mir nur grad so eingefallen wo ich T5 gelesen habe... Äh ja, gleiche Teile alles außer der Gaser glaub.
  3. ...ich kenn da jemanden der hat einen 172er Motor genommen (14 Ps, Sip, keine Vforce, noch kein gescheiter Kopf, Normalhub) und nach 2 Tagen hatte das Teil aufm P4 ...26Ps (bei Rasseln wie Kindergarten)... :wasntme:
  4. wenn du jetzt noch dazu schreibst welches welches ist ,dann bin auch ich glücklich
  5. Die Ersten 16 kann man bald kaufen, ich sag euch dann auch wo.
  6. Da muss man entweder um die Stehbolzen rum oder dazwischen durch, wobei ich von Letzterem abraten würde und Ersteres auch nicht wirklich einfach ist. Weiter gibt es dazu auch genug Meinungen von Leuten und Programmen, welche eher gegen die Boyesen Ports sprechen,da sie die Spülung kaputt machen sollen,aber ich denke da muss man selber Erfahrungen machern sonst kann man dazu nichts genaues sagen.
  7. Turbocharged Air Cooled Engines As mentioned earlier, turbocharged , conventional opposed air cooled engines have a less than stellar track record and many lay people blame the turbo. In fact, the fault lies with the engines it is applied to. The average Lycoming or Continental has a lot of things not going for them. Many of these engines suffer premature failure of crankcases, cylinders, heads and valves in their turbocharged iterations. Let's examine why. Probably the leading cause of case and barrel cracking is the lack of rigidity these engines have in the cylinder/ case area. For ease of barrel replacement I assume, the designers of these engines chose to bolt the cylinders individually to the crankcase at the bottom of the cylinder using a flange. This arrangement creates a very willowy structure and with each firing impulse, combined with the sheer mass of the huge reciprocating parts used in these engines, a definite high amplitude, cyclic stress is put on these parts eventually leading to cracking. The increased gas pressures associated with turbocharging compound this problem. This design problem is actually the cause of a major portion of the high vibration levels associated with conventional aircraft engines. The flange method puts the barrel under a tension load with every firing impulse too which is just plain stupid given the thickness of the cylinders. Modern automotive racing practice would use through studs to retain the barrels, thus putting the barrels under compression. Cylinder head cracking and exhaust valve burning and sticking are primarily due to insufficient cooling in these areas which is exaggerated by the extra heat introduced by turbocharging. Air cooling is relatively inefficient at sinking heat off around the exhaust port and valve seat area. This problem is compounded by the use of very low compression ratios resulting in higher EGTs thus even higher heat flux in the critical exhaust port area. Typical air cooled aircraft engines run cylinder head temperatures in excess of 400 degrees on a regular basis. With aluminum alloys losing roughly 50% of their strength at this temperature it is easy to see why cracking is all too common here. The high EGT's are also detrimental to the life of the turbo's turbine section. Valve problems are due to the same cause, temperatures being too high from inefficient heat transfer. Many factory turbo aircraft are forced to either open cowl flaps or richen the mixture at high altitude to keep temperatures within limits. With power being maintained at altitude and air density falling off, there is often insufficient mass flow available for cooling. This is rarely a problem on naturally aspirated engines as power and cooling requirements are dropping off with increasing altitude. Not a lot of design went into the induction system on many of these engines hence fuel distribution is usually not the greatest. This contributes to engine roughness and problems with leaning. Leaning is limited by the mixture in the hottest cylinder with the others running richer than desired. The oils used in aircraft engines are relatively crude by modern synthetic automotive standards and consequently not the best for the turbocharger. The use of these oils appears to be a result of the very loose tolerances required in an air cooled engines because of the high operating temperatures which also leads to the high oil consumption characteristic of these engines. Finally, many certified installations never used intercooling which is simply amazing. The advantages and necessity of it was clearly understood in WWII. High charge temperatures at altitude required even more fuel for cooling and yet more cowl flap opening to control head temperatures.
  8. Müsst ich erst mal suchen gehen, habs aus ne WordDatei vom Rechner kopiert, so gesammelte Werke halt... ich schau mal.
  9. Benefits with rear turbo location are Lower exhaust back pressure equaling higher performance and less exhaust temperatures. - No extra heat under the hood. - Faster and easier installation - Less parts included with the turbo kit - cheaper for the customer - Stock fuel tank can be used Benefits with front mounted turbo: - Faster turbo response - Simple oil lubrication system - Low risk of snow coming in the air filter - Stock exhaust muffler can be used - low noise level. During the summer 2003 we have worked a lot with solving the four main problems with the rear mounting turbo version. To get a fast throttle and turbo response has been achieved as follow: The right tubing sizes on both intake and exhaust, perfect matching turbo size and the most important thing, perfect carburetor air fuel mixture during all kind of loads. The intercooler and airplenum are developed so no rejetting of the carbs are necessary what so ever. The lubrication of the turbo is very important, if the turbo runs out of oil pressure for just a couple of seconds during high load, it will fail. The oil that has lubricated the turbo will drain back in the engine case. When the turbo is so far away from the engine, and especially when driving in steep hills, the return oil will not drain back all the way to the engine by itself. The oil lubrication system can be made in two ways: - a separate oil system for the turbo, driven by an electric oil pump with a small oil tank, everything located around the turbo. - or lubricated by the engine oil, pumped back to the engine by an electric or mecanical oil pump. A separate oil system has one advantage and some disadvantages. The advantage is that it is rather simple to build and easy to install, but an electric oil pump is never as reliable as the stock oil pump of the engine. It´s difficult to control the oil temp. Putting an electric oil pump in the rear of the snowmobile is not ideal due to water, ice, snow, heat from the turbo and lack of space. And it´s also better to avoid an electrical units. Yamaha only recommends 40 watts extra power output of the electrical system and this is about what the electric fuel pump needs. We made a small mechanic oil pump driven by the crankshaft, very easy to install. This type of oil pump has been used on some of our motorcycle turbo kits since 1985, so we know they are reliable in the long run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Wasn da anders als bei GP z.B.? Ich suche für nen Freund und die soll in ne PX rein.
  11. Da der sich der Einlass nach innen richtung Kurbelwelle verengt, kannst du einfach komplett alles mit Kaltemtall zu hauen und dann die Platte drauf schrauben. Es kann ja nie rein fallen weil es ja eine Keilform besitzt. Vorher mit dem Fräser etwas anrauen ist von Vorteil und vielleicht micht gerade das OBI Kaltmetall nehmen, sondern was gscheits.
  12. Äh, hallo!?Steuerzeiten sind so mit das wichtigste am Zylinder was man zusammen mit dem Aulass und der Kopfgeometrie ändern kann! Wenn du 3 Gewindegänge hast, was hilft da Kleber!? Das kann man getrost vergessen, überlegen mal wieviel Gewicht da über den Hebel von Ansauger und Vergaser dran arbeitet!!! Wie wärs du lässt einfach Gewinde stehen? Davon gibts schon genug Bilder hier im Forum, alles anders is MURXSSSS
  13. Isch brech ab! Die Spannung steigt.
  14. Ich wage es mal zu behaupten, dass dein Problem nicht der Auspuff, sondern eher der Drehschieber (wie bearbeitet? und die Welle auch wie?), die Steuerzeiten/Auslassdesign und das Kopfdesign ist...
  15. SAG WAS Folterknecht
  16. dummrumdrückundfalschtipp
  17. Immer wieder gerne!
  18. @BHC - SCK Onlineshop, perfekt!!!
  19. und nicht die um Pasta zu essen . Eigentlich nur die Gabel selbst, aber gerne mal alles anbieten einfach. Merci
  20. Sorry zusammen, suche den FÜRS POLRAD! Am liebsten wären mir 2-3 Stück. - Warum passt der nicht bei AF?
  21. Hat das jemand oder weiß wo man die neu kaufen könnte??? Merci David
  22. Da hat der Grabman schon sehr recht die "Ringfläche" (Quetschfläche) ist zu groß wenn man gerade Zeit hat kann man die ja nachbearbeiten (lassen). Ohne gehts datürlich auch, aber oprimal ist die Fläche nicht.
  23. Ich weiß!
  24. Dann hoff ich aber für das Sofa dass das KW sind :wasntme:
  25. Kanst du nicht einfach ne PS Zahl inden Raum werfen, ohne mehr dazu zu sagen???
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