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mon75 hat zuletzt am 17. April 2019 gewonnen

mon75 hat die beliebtesten Inhalte erstellt!

Profile Information

  • Scooter Club
    Vespa Club de Jaen

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8.003 Profilaufrufe

Leistungen von mon75


expert (4/12)


Reputation in der Community

  1. mon75

    Vespa expo in my city

    We have organised it among six friends…
  2. This is a link for a virtual visit Enjoy it!!! Some of them are mine. https://jaenparaisointerior.online/vespaunpaseoporeltiempo.com.es/
  3. This is the correct tacho for the 160, the 160 GT has a hexagon logo. But you has to know that when in the motovespa production line, hasn´t a part, they mount another model part, without problem.
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