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  1. Another great edition with 100+ drivers !! Pictures in: http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=85476 Results in (SOON): http://scootentole.org/CS/CS11MagnyCours/resultats/
  2. To follow live time table timing sheet !
  3. Yep, done ! It's gonna be nice !! Many people Maniac, I hope that you bring your tuxedo and that you behave during our multiples "aperos" C1(K6): 4 C2S(K5a/b): 21 C2L(K3a/b): 32 C3(K1/K2): 24 (C3-1: 10 , C3-2: 14) C4(K4): 27 C7(K7): 6 Closing online registration in about 12h ! You can still register on the spot, but we have limited spot available (number of transponders)!
  4. Mike, 1. create your account on challenge.scootentole.org with your ESC email address AND both of your 2011 scooters (#106 and #206). 2. Confirm account via email link 3. In your case (K1 and K2 ride together in C3) register whichever scooter number you prefer to MagnyCours race let me know via PM your status,
  5. Sorry my message box was full... I have emptied it a bit... Maniac, I don't see you registered yet !
  6. Nah.... ?! ESC drivers, listen up ! 1. If you have already created a CHALLENGE SCOOTENTOLE account in 2011, go to 4. , else go to 2. 2. Create acccount on http://challenge.scootentole.org/inscription_en.php using ESC email and scooter number(s) (REGISTER ALL YOUR ESC SCOOTERS FOR 2011) 3. Confirm account creation by clicking confirmation email 4. Register your scooter(s) to the race by clicking the top button here: http://challenge.scootentole.org/login_en.php For insurance reason, we need again a copy of your driving license AND a copy of a medical certificate ("aerztliches attest") not older than 1 year !
  7. Still time for registration !! K6: 3 K5B: 14 K3B: 29 K1-K2: 15 K4: 20 K7: 5 http://challenge.scootentole.org/index_en.php
  8. Video from guiriguili: * K4 lauf 1: * K4 lauf 2:
  9. Results :) !!! http://scootentole.org/CS/CS11Mirecourt/ResultatsMirecourt.20110604.xls
  10. You can find links to nice pictures here: http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=82850 For instance: from: https://picasaweb.google.com/guillom.bordas/SETMIRECOURT040611#
  11. Please note that unfortunately, I cannot build and sell the SMs right now; check the post from time to time.
  12. Thank you guys for coming over, it was our pleasure and a great honnor to organize the first race of the 2011 ESC season !! I have to check the correct numbers, but it seems we beat the largest number of scooter for a race; we were about 140-150 drivers during the whole Saturday ! Once again, thanks to all of you, to all the marshals, to all our very supportive sponsors, to the always-friendly track owner and finally to the 2 DJs (Thomas and Venceremos) that managed to create a very nice chill out atmosphere during the Saturday nighter Racing was great and fair, weather was unbelievable !! We had fortunately only one serious accident (shoulder): Gute besserung to Achim, take care ! Ranking, results and additional material later I'm off to bed now
  13. Falco and our good old americano friend, Roo
  14. @primavera133: If you know you are insured, no problem. In any case, if you are NOT insured for the Saturday, WE will pay to cover you. @gerhard: You cannot race for points in both K5A AND K5B. You have to decide which one you want to race in (for points only). K5A and K5B will be racing together. During training/qulaification (20 minutes), if we do have more than 35 K5A/B racers we will pick randomly some people and put them with the K1 ONLY FOR THE TRAINING. For the races (10 minutes + 2 laps, as usual), in order to limit the number of people on the track, the slowest K5A/B will be running with the K6 and K7. @All: Mirecourt is an ESC race; there will be an ESC ranking. However, as you know, we have different naming convention for categories, this is why you also see them in the planning. For your information, here is the equivalence between ESC and Scootentole: http://scootentole.org/CS/Reglements/Equivalence/indexEN.html Additionally, as mentioned earlier, no need for a "medical certificate" for this race as we are insured through the DMV.
  15. Provisional Planning
  16. All the "top" of the track. Usually we only use the left part (left from the vertical white rectangle), but this time most probably we will use the right side too, above the helicopter landing site.
  17. We are also looking for some people to help as marshals. It would take you 1-2h on the saturday; duty is mostly to signal incidents (yellow flag) on the track. You will have a walkie-talky, a nice yellow jacket and the ability to take nice pictures If you are willing to help, please contact Arnaud/T5Best: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/T5BEST_m22712.html (preferably non-drivers !!) Many thanks
  18. There is room for everyone on the campsite. K6 will run with the Lady class and most probably with the slowest K5A/B. We will see if we still have K5 drivers after 2 days of trainings :) ++
  19. Usually until sun is down, sometimes even more... :) The owner are very nice people
  20. Making the best out of our limited (human) ressources :) Nighter is planned ! :)
  21. Training possible on Thursday, Friday and Sunday ! Race on Saturday !
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