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  1. Links to pictures: makaman : http://picasaweb.google.com/makamanaman/CelticDay130908# Pépé Ventura : http://www.scotapowa.com/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=266 GTRRRrrrr : http://picasaweb.google.fr/a2lyneblog/CRD4th092008# TentaculaMC : http://picasaweb.google.fr/TentaculaMC/EyguiResCRDIV# http://picasaweb.google.fr/TentaculaMC/Eyg...RDIV2emePartie# Fixrousk : http://picasaweb.google.fr/fixroux/HotWheeliesRacingDay2008# http://picasaweb.google.fr/fixroux/Hwrd2008# Lucsaint : http://picasaweb.google.fr/TentaculaMC/JeanLucCRDIV#
  2. I hope you enjoyed it ! See you in October, in Joigny (see my signature !) ++
  3. You have a very nice girlfriend Klaus !
  4. Lustig ! I should have the circuit boards next week ! USB version of my old stuff... However, don't get too excited, I need time to evaluate the hardware and to develop the new software, you know that...
  5. Klar !!! So, there will indeed a 2nd part of the Challenge Scootentole for 2008 !! This will be held the 10th, 11th and 12th of October in Joigny (click mish !), about 150km at the South of Paris ! Track looks really great ! 1050x7m , faster than Mirecourt ! Categories will be probably similar to the one used in Mirecourt (see below for link). Program is yet to be announced, but target price will be 42? for drivers, including camping and breakfast. There will be also possible to drive on Friday. Some useful link: - Hotels list - Bed and Breakfast - Hostals Temporary flyer: Challenge Scootentole Part 1: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/Rennen_f3...08_t125013.html More information to come
  6. Hi guys the, now regular, Celtic Racing Day event is coming to you soon for the 4th time in a row, supported by scootentole.org the French-GSF !! I have some more information for those of who are interested in enjoying some nice weather condition in September, good grip and nice track and some "raw" camping experience ! :) The official post (in french) can be found here: http://www.scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=47884 On Friday the 12th, independently from the organization, you will have the ability to drive on the track alternatively with the karts, for about 45€ (including 10€ mandatory license bullshit). Welcome of the participants will take place until midnight ! During the evening, there will be also a DJ playing quality scooterist sounds for the first part of the "Paddocks Sound" Starting at 8AM in the morning, we will propose you a breakfast as we will finish registrations and technical check. There will be lengthy training from 9h30 to 12h for everybody. You will have the possibility to order a simple meal at the local cafeteria. From 14h to 18h, there will some other sessions, with final standings. The different categories will be defined on the spot, but as usual, you can expect something close to the ESC ones, with lots of flexibility :) After the races, there will be lots of very nice presents to give away for some of the meriting drivers and an "aperitif" offered for everybody ! This year, we will finally have the possibility to stay on the campsite on saturday night Diner will be at your convenience, either on the spot (NO FIRE BBQ, GAZ BBQ is OK) or on you could also go on one of the surrounding villages. Finally, second part of the "Paddocks Sound" with Top DJs ;) On Sunday, we will again offer you a breakfast before telling you nice "A l'année prochaine !" (See you next year !)... Registration price will be 45€ if you register in advance, 50€ on the spot; This includes 2 nights on the campsite, 2 breakfasts, track access on Saturday and aperitif ! Registration (French) form (PDF): http://scootentole.org/CRD4/Dossier_inscription_CRD4.pdf Please fill in the registration form and send it back by mail (address inside) or by email to: benoit.jouvaud@orange.fr (French) Reglement (PDF): http://scootentole.org/CRD4/CRD4_Reglement.pdf Location: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=fr&q=ey...mp;t=h&z=17 Pictures, videos and comments about the CRD3 from 2007: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/Rennen_f3...nce_t96890.html
  7. Scooter #632
  8. Thank you GOA vespa club for a very good organization and a nice event ;) Looking forward to come to see you again next year... ! And special thanks to Motorhead for bringing some clutch parts and for getting me some found
  9. Bis Morgen :-D
  10. Stupid question that I cannot answer from the office Are PV/V5A/XL and XL2 clutch disks the same ? Recommandation for "race" use ? Neufren is generally good, but is RMS ok ? Thnaks,
  11. No one else has the same issue about the KOSO EGT probe being too short ?!
  12. I do not get it... There should be a way to roughly calculate at what distance should the EGT probe be mounted ?! Probably a simple equation combining engine displacement and RPM peak power, no ?!
  13. F***** impressive work mate !!
  14. Here is what I received as a "150cm EGT sensor" in the Satge6 bundle -> approx. 25cm !! So I had to use a K-type thermocouple extension... I am wondering if this could be the reason why I am only reading a max temperature of 320°C .... ! http://www.germanscooterforum.de/index.php?showtopic=139343
  15. Yeah, I know this page... It is interesting, but do not actually contain so much information...
  16. Ok, then understood. Please correct me but this distance, that I know is really important, is calculated from piston skirt /exhaust port, right ? On a largeframe cylinder, the "exhaust manifold" is 7cm, this is why I put mine about ~3cm away...
  17. But... 1. it's about 10cm from the skirt of the piston (usual recommandation) 2. if it is too close, I should read a much higher temperature, no ?!
  18. I am struggling to correctly jet a Polini 177, with anticipated rotary valve, normal Polini manifold, PHBH28 carb and Leo pipe. Ignition is standard and set to 18° (IT). Carb setup is: Idle 51 Main 125 Atomiser AV262 Needle is x2 and slide is 20 (default). Clip is now 2nd from bottom (4Ting, too rich at mid-rpm) Also the Polini kit was new, I already pre-seized several time this engine, and I still want to understand what's wrong with the setup. The combination of these component makes a picky engine, with lots of power at high-rpm. The point is, with a short gearing (original PX Lusso) it's funny to drive ! My feeling now is that I had seizure because the carb was properly setup for high and low RPM but was too lean at mid-rpm. So I have an EGT sensor and a CHT one and I am looking at the numbers... The picture below shows where is the EGT sensor, it is about 10-11cm from the piston side, as usually recommended. What I am reading is still really strange to me; under heavy load (going 4th gear with 2 peoples on a serious slope) the EGT hardly reach 350°C while the CHT was actually scarely increasing up to 135°C... I remember having seizure when the CHT was showing around 140°C. And I actually believe the CHT is optimistic because it is not exactly under the sparkplug, it is just close to it... At idle the CHT shows around 80°C and the EGT is suprizingly low at 150°C. Does anyone has experience jetting a setup with an EGT ? What are some target temperature numbers ?? Could it be that the EGT sensor (Koso/Stage6) is deffective and thus optimistic ? Could it be that I have pre-seizure simply because of a lack of fuel ? (I have doubts about this carb anyway) Thnaks !!
  19. Some up to date pictures from the engine, Not the cleanest work... but.... oh well... And........ Here comes finally the dyno (Issues: gear jumping :( and carb not properly jetted )
  20. My dyno from RnR, Gears jumping, Carb badly jetted, But NICE (Setup on the picture)
  21. Still no news from the pictures, however, here is a small report in French on a general scooter website; Some nice pictures, and a little publicity for the ESC ;) http://www.scooter-station.com/Petite-bour...ooteristes.html
  22. Thank you guys, great fun, great organization, nice racing... with jumpy gearbox :)
  23. Working on it...
  24. Price Update ! Delivery possible to the Run 'n Race !
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