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  1. I think you have to pay But full resolution is like Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge (10MB or so), I think you can also order directly a professional print out of the picture that you want... I can ask for more details if you want
  2. Btw, I seized a bearing, not my engine... ! Really weird ! Anyway, Enjoy some other NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE pictures ;) http://www.michel-lemarie.fr/galeriereportage.html
  3. Nice German-French fight on the track in video ! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x56or3_scoot-en-tole_auto
  4. More pics: http://picasaweb.google.com/asso.scootentole Results: http://picasaweb.google.com/asso.scootentole/RSultats
  5. I do actually agree...
  6. Hey Maniac, I am the guy with the glasses I think Luccio can make a nice color copy of the newspaper and bring it to the run'n race... I did tell you that about the rules for winning, and now that I remember, I feel a little bit bad about it for you... Some stuff were decided or changed "on the fly", and the overall ranking was one of them. Thanks for the pictures ! Here are some of ours: http://picasaweb.google.com/asso.scootentole
  7. Com'on Matthias, you sound a bit jalous, .... I'm flattered in some way...
  8. Indeed, Marco won
  9. Thanks for the comments, but let me answer to some of them * This was a first step, we were basically 2 peoples organizing this event, we decided NOT to have a "proper party", just at the bar with some ambiance music... It was a race day, not a run AND race ! BUt we will try to improve this for sure !! * ONE drink was included with the Buffet, I do not understand why it was not given to you when you were given the plate... SOrry for that ! As for the food, just as a comment, everything was provided by the track owner, we did not gain a single euro on this... They were some left over so quantities were not an issue, right ? * On friday, track was OPEN until 20h30 or so. Did they tell you at the bar that it was closed for registration ? If so, once again, I am sorry for that, I was not aware of this. You should have come to me... I hope you took advantage of the late afternoon open track with the nice weather on Saturday ?! We will remember these points, improve and/or better communicate on these !
  10. http://picasaweb.google.com/asso.scootentole Some other here: http://scootentole.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php...&highlight= Some more to come in these threads.... One again, thank you guys for coming, we really had a great fun despite the weather was changing a lot... BUt in the end we had all track conditions ! I hope you enjoyed the loooooooooong track time, we will do the same next year ;) I will write here the final results and scan some of the time sheets. A priori, best time for the crazy green italian in C3 (SmallFrame) with 1:14.xx !! Finally, we could deliver soooooooooo many great prices thanks to our sponsors (for those who know what , please get in touch with me) Seventies Scooter Pièces La fabrique - BP 27 26330 Chateauneuf de Galaure, France TEL/FAX : fred@seventies-scooter-pieces.com ScootStation Nice 33 bld auguste raynaud 06100 Nice, France 04 93 41 49 01 wilkosmic@free.fr S.I.P. Graf Zeppelin Str. 9 D-86899 Landsberg, Allemagne Tel : +49 (0) 8191 96999-40 Fax : +49 (0) 8191 96999-70 RS Performances info@rs-performances.fr Casalambretta France Le Puech 30480 CENDRAS, France Tel/fax : 04 66 55 61 25 info@casa-lambretta.fr Vintages Scooter Service 9 bis rue Henri Brisson 13831 Chateaurenard, France Tél 1 : 04 32 60 16 33 Tél 2 : 04 88 61 31 69 Fax : 04 90 92 13 07 contact@vintagescooter.com Scooter Center Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1 50129 Bergheim, Allemagne Tel: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 30 Fax: 0049 (0) 2238 30 74 74 Mail: e-shop@scooter-center.com Lambretta Teile Heilbronn Senefelderstr. 19 73760 Ostfildern, Allemagne Tel: +49 (0) 177 / 555 1 333 Fax: +49 (0) 1212 / 525 826 475 marco@lambretta-teile.de Devil'Scoot 52, Boulevard Vauban 13006 Marseille, France +33 4 91 04 01 51 devilscoot@wanadoo.fr Quattrini Racing Grand-Sport 2 Stroke Performance Parts Inhaber Oliver Hellwig Am Tarpenufer 51 22848 Norderstedt, Allemagne Tel: 0049/(0)40/ 69703742 Fax: 0049/(0)40/ 69703771 E-Mail info@grand-sport.de Burzock Développement Services Informatique 132 avenue parmentier 75011 Paris +33 (0)6 62 41 91 54 burzock@gmail.com Micky Norton's 14 rue René Char Zac Chateaufarine 25000 BESANCON 03 81 47 95 45 Scooter-Station.com/
  11. was 15e ! i think it was fair... thanks all for coming photos and results to come!
  12. Weather is changing a lot, but basically, I am sure it is not going to be rain showers ! http://meteo.region-nord.com/meteo-88304.html http://wetter.msn.com/local.aspx?wealocations=wc:21465
  13. To let you know, according to multiple weather forecasts, it seems it is not going to be that bad this WE ! We will have most probably clouds, but maybe not rain !
  14. Alex, the BBQ and the diner are prepared by the track owner, they need to know in advance the approx. number of people ! So this is why we ask you to tell us if you are brining your own food or not ! Some people do ! You can still cook your own meal if you prefer and join us at the bar later, no problem ! So let me know in this thread or via PM how many people are interested in BBQ and diner... Reminder: BBQ: 8? Diner: 15? For Friday, the bar will be open, but we cannot garanty the food on the track ! Thanks ;)
  15. Please note that if you want to have BBQ and/or diner on Saturday, today is your last chance to register !!
  16. 1. Möglich 2. Kein problem 3. http://www.eurochallenge.de ! 4. Leder is besser :)
  17. Zirri Silent from 2005 ("good one"). Hardly used, only for few runs, it has been used for about 500km. The alu silencer is slightly scratch. It is painted in High-Temperature black. On the manifold, there is a nut to mount a lambda (O2) sensor. It comes with everything (springs, holder, rubbers, ...) 200€ Questions -> PM I can deliver it on my way to the Challenge Scootentole in Mirecourt the 18th of April (Villach, Salzburg, Munich, Ulm, Strasbourg...) or on my way back the 27th of April in the other direction.
  18. It comes from a Yamaha Booster... Lot of work have been done; Soldered, profiled and adapted mudguard, Alu bearing spacer machined, main axle machined and soldered... It comes with a "as new" Schwalbe Raceman 110/80-10 (SOFT compound), the tyre was used for 300km. I also give new braking pads. Strong braking, nice look, good handling ! - 270€ Questions -> PM I can deliver it on my way to the Challenge Scootentole in Mirecourt the 18th of April (Villach, Salzburg, Munich, Ulm, Strasbourg...) or on my way back the 27th of April in the other direction.
  19. Word document received ! Kein problem, alles in ordnung :)
  20. NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS :) * EXTENDED deadline for cheaper registration fees: 14th of April ! Paypal is possible, however taxe has to be added (3,4% + 0,25?) * So far we have about 45 drivers registered, including people from Austria, Belgium, England, Germany, Italy and... France * We should have several fotographers covering the event; amongs them, this guy will be there ;) http://www.michel-lemarie.fr/photographe.m....galpresse.html Feel free to ask any questions ! See you there,
  21. Please note that two registered drivers can share a scooter. The only condition being that one the driver is in C1 ("fun class", no race, but there will be awards too for this class !), and the other driver can be in C2, C3 or C4.
  22. Hi guys, Still some days to register to this Challenge !! Probable planning for Saturday 19th of April:
  23. Please send you registration and pay your fees as soon as possible ! It is 42? if you do it before the D-Day, 50? on the spot ! Thank you, this will help us a lot to prepare this event !
  24. Please note that, even if this is an official ESC training, categories are a little bit different. Their reduce number will allow more track time, and we believe that it is what really matters for you guys As a reminder, here are the very probable categories that we will have: C1 : Any scooter, tourist riding (track discovery), take it easy C2 : Any scooter with STOCK CYLINDER and any tuned smallframe < 120cc C3 : Tuned Smallframe >120cc C4 : Tuned Scooter >150cc See you there,
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