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Alle Inhalte von KTy

  1. Ok, thanks for all those advices, and you are absolutly right :) I try to find a compromise ! You'll probably smile, my tyres are 100/80-10 Raceman soft, and "it's enough" for me, I mean, I want to have fun both on track and doing some 1/4 miles with the same scooter, and that's the problem ! Of course the best option would be to have two scooters (or at least 2 engines), but for 3 or 4 runs/races per year (The french scene is slowly waking up and I don't have time (yet) to travel to visit you guys... :) ), I'll do with compromise !
  2. And, can't you use them with a single inlet carb ??
  3. @Amazombi: I'm asking because after I fixed my carb jetting I could pull all the gear to the max, engine was fine on all gears... 130km/h on the highway is scary (and useless)... I drove about 250km before I broke a ring, so I have a good feeling about it... Another point is that even with the 2.34+zirri short, if the road was a little bit bumpy, I could rise the front wheel in 2nd gear ! But this engine is not for road use, I want to have fun on kart tracks and also do some 1/4 miles run. I have the zirri silent and I don't plan to upgrade as I think it is well suited to my engine. Compared to the Hammerzombi, I can live with ~1PS less everywhere... LambrettaSX feedback was interesting to read ! Alright then, I'll stop whining and upgear, as planned
  4. Did you know about these ?? :plemplem: 180cc: 220cc: Pinasco aloy !
  5. Damn'google translator ! I can't understand what you wrote
  6. [KTy inside] As far as I have understood, some people with ~20HP engines complains that the 2.34 + zirri short is too short... !! They want more top speed ! I'm already with this transmission setup, I was planning to change the main for a 2.55 one... Some people said it will be ok, I just want some more advice before I do it :D So, 2.55 + ~20hp engine; real good fun or too short ?! Thanks ! [/KTy - ]
  7. Just two quick questions; I have a similar setup, except a Polini 133 cylinder (GS piston + malossi head) and zirri silent. Same transmission (2.34 + short 4th), vForce3 RD350, KOSO 32... 1. Does the zirri silent revs higher than the hammerzombi ? 2. I was planning to switch to a 2.55 transmission, to have more fun. Good idea ?
  8. No, what I meant was that it *seems* that it is a J-type for two reasons: 1. The color code of the wires 2. I have a K-type electronic *interface*, and it doesn't work with the KOSO temperature sensor... But I would appreciate official information about that ! Cheers, KTy
  9. Did you check that it is a non-metric size ? I have the same and it is not metric, I guess it's a US standard size. By the way, I would appreciate if seomeone can tell me what is the type of this thermocouple temperature sensor. As far as I can tell (according to some wire color standard), it is a J-type. And furthermmore, I couldn't make it work with a K-type interface... Maybe someone can find this information for me... :plemplem: :wasntme: KTy
  10. Alloha I'm in the process of building a high performance PX engine (25-30ch @rear-wheel is the target) and I'm going to ask you for your experiences and feedbacks with clutchs. Cosa clutch reinforced ? PX200 ones ? Polini/Malossi disks kit ? Thank you !
  11. [OFF TOPIC] Me me me ! *gg* Wanna know what I read ? :plemplem: :wasntme: And actually, I think I get that... [/OFF TOPIC]
  12. Yes I know you already told me But it was just to make sure, one more time , that I wasn't mistaken... :) Btw, if I find a PX only HP4 flywheel (I don't even know if it exists !), it will fit my 20/20 large cone crank but I will have to deal with the timing of the ignition, right ? So, the interesting thing is that I didn't know that I could put a standard PX flywheel on this configuration ! :plemplem: KTy -
  13. So, only PK XL HP4 flywheel ?! :plemplem:
  14. Any PX/PK HP4 flywheel will work with my setup, is that correct ? (especially with ET3 stator)
  15. A friend of mine broke 2 tooth on it with a moderately tuned engine based on, Malossi 211, PHB30 and Taffspeed. He manage to have it changed under warranty and sold it. Even the FA Italia recommand this transmission only for *stock* PX125... So... :plemplem:
  16. Finally Some people may have missed it... http://www.schaltroller.com/index.php?showtopic=72317
  17. That's ... strange !! 2.56 should be perfect for your engine setup ! On my specific engine, I ran 2.34 with zirri short 4th without problem...
  18. Regarding the size of the transfer of all cylinder that you can find for smallframe, I would say that the KX80/85/CR80/85/... reedvalves is the best option, BBG has it. I had a TZR reedvalve on my engine, but I change it for a RD/Blaster/Banshee one, much better, but maybe still "too" big. In any case, you will have to do the box yourself... Maybe the Scauri reed box is an option ? Cheers , KTy -
  19. Alloha ;) I saw recently a picture of a PX engine with a Polini Rotax cylinder kit and I want to find some good information about this engine top-end. Can you point me out some documentations around the ROTAX 122/123 cylinder kit (standard or kit) ? Dimensions (cylinder, piston), port timing and blue-print would help ! Cheers KTy - @Gerhard: My NSR barrel has the top of the exhaust bridge broken (common failure...) :veryangry:
  20. Alloha I'm looking for a Rotax 122 or 123 top-end (barrel, piston, head,...), stock or kit (Polini,...). If you have a good deal for me or know one, please let me know Cheers, KTy -
  21. Any engine specification information on how you can achieve that ?? :plemplem: :sabber: Iginition ? Cylinder head ? exhaust ? Amazing, congratulations
  22. And what about preparing my engine with this barrel to later plug a Polini for NSR 125 ? ( KTy -
  23. Actually, I'm considering mouting this barrel (Stock NSR 125) on a PX engine for a daily rider ~15-20Hp, reliability and fun to drive without agressive options is my goal... Feel free to comment on that :D
  24. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what is the original conrod length of the NSR125 ? And where could I also find port diagram, mapping and othere technical specifications of a NSR 125 cylinder ? Thanks ! KTy -
  25. 'k' is a constant, a "corrective factor" function of the temperature, the atmospherical pressure, and maybe other variables... More here: http://www.schaltroller.com/index.php?showtopic=42134&st=206
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