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Alle Inhalte von KTy

  1. I'm going to build (and to have welded) a new manifold for my racer. I have already TZR 125 reed valve, it's nice but just a little too big (height). http://ktylife.free.fr/vespa/KTy133/KTy133Remontage2.jpg And I want to do it *properly*... ;) I'd like to have a look at the vForce(2) reedvalve block, but I can't find any physical dimension over the web ! Besides the dimension, what would you recommend for reed-block size for my Polini 133: KX-80 / CR-85 or CR-125 ? Are they similar ? Sallih seems to prepare her engine with a reedblock that looks like a CR125 vForce... Can I have its dimensions ? :) Thank you for your help and advices :) KTy
  2. Thank you guys... ;)
  3. Alloha, I've sent 2 emails asking scooter-attack.com if they knew when they will have a new shipment from KOSO. End of January, I've ordered the KOSO 32 carb (KO-DA932001), and I have no idea and no answer when I'll have it. Could someone drop them a call about that and post back in this topic ? Sorry for the convinience... Mod/Adm, feel free to displace (and erase ( ) this topic... Greetings, KTy - Not really fluent in German :wasntme:
  4. http://cgi.ebay.it/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...ssPageName=WDVW I am wondering....
  5. Ok, .... Still looking for a nice deal on a zirri short 4th :)
  6. Old CBR750 ?
  7. In this case... Is there enough room to make a 5 gears gearbox ?? With high quality german manufacturing ;) ! Is a shorter 3rd gear needed for a smallframe ? @Paola, any idea how much would the manufacturing ? You said much more than 200? :haeh: ?
  8. You mean that with this primary repair kit i'll be able to put either a normal prim/v5A clutch or the PK XL2 one ? :)
  9. Yeah, I have already the 2.34 primary in stock... I only need the short 4th... (
  10. Alloha GSF guys ;) As some may know I have a nice 50 special with a highly tuned Polini 133 engine, 2.55 straight primary, big admission (like BodyBuidingGym :) ), and zirri silent pipe. I'm in the process of opening my engine to change my primary with the GSF primary repair kit (soon available, right ? ;) ) but also because I have some welding to be done. I think it is also the opportunity to maybe change my standard 4th gear for a zirri short...if it's worth it (yeah, because it's nevertheless ~200euros... )... The bike is exclusively a fun-bike, not a kilometers road monster... Please, give me your opinion ! (And if you have a sweet deal on a Zirri short, please, let me know :) ) KTy
  11. Just to let you know, I've been told the racetrack is not the one in the front scene, but the other one at the top of the picture... And to cheer you up, I've also been told that the track is *really* nice... :) Cheers,
  12. If you need more approximate measurement, here is mine:
  13. Pretty impressive :sabber: BodyBuildingGym ;) I don't rememeber if I already asked you, but do you have any close pictures of your engine ? (Intake, cylinder, spacer,...etc :) ) Edit: I got the intake ;) Still running fixed advance ignition timing ? And also, I still don't know which crank you use ?! It's sooooooo nice what we got there... I hope DrWorbel dyno will be similar :) And by the way, any chance that you plug and compare a PM40 and maybe a zirri silent to see the difference ? Cheeeers, KTy
  14. Ok... sorry ;) Do you have a link for Schloer's dyno ? Thanks you :
  15. What gear do you use for recording the signal ? 3rd ? The approximation should be quite accurate if your clutch disks are near from perfect (i.e: no slipering) BUT also if you don't achieve too much speed. I'll explain: I haven't tried yet the dyno, but I wonder if you have the possibility to record both the rpm AND the speed through a simple bike tacho (magnetic). This way the power output could be corrected accordingly to the speed, that is, taking into account the air resistance force that is parameter in v^2 (F[air] = 1/2.ro.S.Cx.v^2) Anyway, this tool is fantastic to evaluate engine modifications :)
  16. Those curves are obtained with the GSF Dyno program by atom007 ? (http://www.germanscooterforum.de/index.php?showtopic=42134&view=findpost&p=485507)
  17. P80 tacho are up to 120km/h... I got one :) http://scooterhelp.com/scooters/V8A1T.p80.html
  18. By the way, I have the Zirri Silent with the removable silencer, does someone have any idea if it could fit the PM40 ? ;) Héhé...
  19. HUm... actually I'm confused... it is written: English translation error ?
  20. That's why I didn't get it.... ( But, don't you think it's "easy" to build or to adapt another cheaper silencer ? I mean, the silencer is not much about performance...
  21. Is there a mistake on the price here : http://www.sip-scootershop.com/pages/index...s%2Fdetails.php I heard they were 2 kinds of PM40ev, could this be a reason ? Cheers, KTy
  22. @King Kool Funky: Did you check what was the achievment with the same engine setup but with the Zirri Silent exhaust ? I couldn't understand what was your admission setup; Malossi reed valve ? Congrats !
  23. Why don't you consider implementing a variable timing ignition system ? Maybe it's not worth if you keep the engine around (+-2000rpm) the regime where you get more power... Is that right ?
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