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Alle Inhalte von sidvespa

  1. Hi , ich farhe ein V32 mit ein orginal Motor , weil ich immer Probleme hatte mit die punkte hab ich mir jetz eine pinasco flytech gekauft , auf das Einbau blat steht das die Zündung auf 27 grade eingestellt muss sein . Für VM, VN und VL ist original die Zündung 28 grad aber bei der V32 ist es normal 34 grad ? Jetzt steht die Zündung auf 27 Grad und der vespa läuft , aber ich bin nicht ganz sicher das es richtig ist hat jemand Erfahrung danke sidvespa
  2. Hi , ich farhe ein V32 mit ein orginal Motor , weil ich immer Probleme hatte mit die punkte hab ich mir jetz eine pinasco flytech gekauft , auf das Einbau blat steht das die Zündung auf 27 grade eingestellt muss sein . Für VM, VN und VL ist original die Zündung 28 grad aber bei der V32 ist es normal 34 grad ? Jetzt steht die Zündung auf 27 Grad und der vespa läuft , aber ich bin nicht ganz sicher das es richtig ist hat jemand Erfahrung danke sidvespa
  3. sidvespa

    SS 90 barn find

    Hello , i found this cool vespa SS 90 or SS 50 kids model vespa. .It has pedals like a bike it is a plastic model with a iron frame . i have been looking for stamps or a manufactor name but i don't find any thing i took some pictures and i hope some one of you could tell me more about this toy thanks sidvespa
  4. hallo alle hat hier jemand der Farbton von der V32 danke und grüße aus Belgien sidvespa
  5. this is one of my beauty' grtz sidvespa
  6. found something else also from the belgium forum http://www.vespaforum.be/forum/viewtopic.p...=108529#p108529 grtz sidvespa
  7. i know kees portanje a collector in holland (like RD ) has one of the Paris - Dakar test vespa's in his collection it is not one of the vespa's they used for the rally but one they used for preparing and test driving for the rally grtz from belgium sidvespa
  8. thanks i would say the same to you it looks like the vespa sidecar summer has just begun grtz sidvespa
  9. hello mine is also working fine now the new set up is a bit like yours polini 208 jl left orig crank 23T cosa 24 ovelised si carbu 4t gear of 125 130 /70 rear tyre engine is only the carbu inlet polised timing 17° 1mm foot seal for the top speed i have no idea yet i am driving it in the polini was lying on a shelf in the garage it only neded a new piston grtz sidvespa
  10. hello over here in belgium they sold the V32T i have just checkt it on the papers of mine is V32 T 22xxxx for the frame and V32M 23xxxx fot the engine grtz sidvespa
  11. he also has the origional papers of inscription grtz sidvespa
  12. hello i now this site is not ebay but i am wondering a friend of mine is selling some pieces of the vespa u model the parts are 1 motor who is running 1 motor who is missing the piston 3 petroltanks carbu and other stuff he is wondering what he can ask for these items i know howmutch te stupid guy is willing to pay but i still want to know if there are some of you intrested please let me know grtz sidvespa
  13. i have seen on ebay the sold only the front steering colum (old one with left side suspencion ) for over 1000 euro so the price for this ape is not that big i think grtz sidvespa (antwerp)
  14. i think wrong jetting (to small) i have drove the pinasco barrel alreddy a 1000 km with the O exhaust without problems and then put on the JL exhaust and dit it wrong with jetting now i have an other question with an JL exaust and a O barrel shoud i change the timing or keep it the same as with the O exhaust the mark A behind the flyweel thanks sidvespa
  15. i also hope it i am going to put the original barrel back on it and drive this way again grtz sivespa
  16. now i have f**k it up big time :uargh: just blown a hole in the piston of my pinasco ( when i was getting the new tyre(130 70 10) so now it wil take some time before i can tel you about the changes i have made first i am going to do the new house an them i will probebly put an other standard engine in it the engine only needs a new crusefix and bearings grtz sidvespa
  17. ok thanks for the info the first thing i did was change the jet back to a 116 this has ended the cholking the second thing i orderd a new tyre a 130 70 10 the cosa clutch 21 i have to try again when i have the time to put it in in a few days i will have the key to our new house with a large garage :love: and i have to work on this also to keep the wife happy sorry for my question but some of you don't understand that i live in belgium and over here there is a scootercene but it is not so big like in germany and we only have a few side-cars manly on a standard vespa or lambretta so i have no one else to turn to grtz sidvespa ps i will keep you posted when i change something and sugestions are always apriciated
  18. hello i have 2 problems ( on my engine of my 200PX with PV1 side-car the first one is when i want to sprint the engine starts to hold back like he is cholking when i start slowly it goes ok the 2 problem is in 3 gear he will go 80km/h in 4 gear only 70Km/h and wil not go in his high Rpm i have the folowing set up 200 engine with the inlet polisched 213 pinasco 23 t cosa cluth (i have tride a 21t but it will go in to high Rpm) MCM race crank JL left hand exhaust 4 gear of a 125 engine ovelised SI 24 carbu with 135 jet wide tyre 120 /90 thanks to al for helping me out grtz sidvespa
  19. hello i drive a vespa 200PX with a watsonian squire and the moter setup is a213 pinasco a 24 si ovalised carbu , 4 gear of the px125 cc engine and 23 t cosa clutch now i want to change my exhaust (original ) and i woud like to replace it by a sip peformance or the scorpion now the question is do they fit with the side cars arm that conects the side car on the scooter and witch one would you prefer with this set up you can answer in german i can read it but can't write it grts SIDVESPA from Belgium
  20. so you can use a drum from an oil seal out-side engine on a oil seal in-side engine? and thanks for the quick reply
  21. sorry i have to go in englisch my german is not so good what is the diference between the brake drum from a vespa with the oil seal inside the engine and a brum with the oil seal on the outside of the engine if it coud with the mesurements thanks sidvespa
  22. ok wehn etwas ist ruf mir mal an furs federbein grusse aus B SIDVESPA
  23. hallo benjamin wir haben nog ein federbein oder ein ganzen vordergetrib mit alles dar bei mus uberholt werden ist nur unter dem alten wagen runter genommen und nichts dran verbazelt oder anderes gemacht zag mir was es dir wert ist .Der feder aleine ist denke ich moglich mit der post der ganzen denke ich nur im zelb habholung grusse aus B sidvespa
  24. fur die leute die auch zo etwas im garage willen da steht jetst eine aus ebay fr fur 5500 euro ( ich weis es ist nicht billig un ebay ist nicht der favorit hier aber es is eine grusse aus B SIDVESPA
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