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Stein folgt jetzt dem Inhalt: Suche deckeln GS 160 , Das GS160 & SS180 Topic , Suche originale Rally kotflügel und 6 Weitere
Das GS160 & SS180 Topic
Stein antwortete auf reusendrescher's Thema in Vespa Rally, Sprint, VNA, VNB, VBB, V125, etc.
Help needed on piston to cylinder clearance. *GS160 std cylinder with GOL piston. *SS180 SCK big bore 64.0mm cylinder with 60's Asso piston. What piston to cylinder clearance is correct for these two? Thanks in advance for the replies! -
Das GS160 & SS180 Topic
Stein antwortete auf reusendrescher's Thema in Vespa Rally, Sprint, VNA, VNB, VBB, V125, etc.
Thanks for the input! The outlet thingie from Grand Sport I have, so then I might try the Polini box. Grusse Stein -
Das GS160 & SS180 Topic
Stein antwortete auf reusendrescher's Thema in Vespa Rally, Sprint, VNA, VNB, VBB, V125, etc.
Does anyone of you have experience with using the Polini box for PX on GS/SS? Possible to mount? Needs cut and reangle of downpipe? All input appreciated! Thanks! -
Thanks! Thats very good info to have. Stein
- 1.462 Antworten
- Polini 210
- langhub
(und 3 weitere)
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Thanks for the input on durations and porting. And the link to the gearing kit! Stein
- 1.462 Antworten
- Polini 210
- langhub
(und 3 weitere)
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Thanks for the input! The link in your post seems to lead to something else than gearing..? A friend of mine will take care of the porting. He is better than me when it comes to those things. What port timings will be correct for the S&S exhaust, do you think? Thanks, Stein
- 1.462 Antworten
- Polini 210
- langhub
(und 3 weitere)
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Seeking advice before converting from old Malossi 210 to Polini 221. Have S&S 62,5mm crank, casings optimised for this crank and Malossi 210. S&S reed inlet. 28mm keihin. Also have available 33mm keihin. Think 28mm is the better to use? Standard Lusso 200 gearing with T5 fourth gear. S&S silent exhaust for Malossi 210. I will optimise casings for Polini 221 cylinder and use a GS piston. Seeking advice on what gaskets to use on top/bottom of cylinder (someone told me a thicker than standard gasket on top is not possible on this kit??) with this setup with 62,5mm crank. Also seeking advice on gearing. I have a cosa style clutch so since the Worb5 ultra long gearing is quite expensive, I am thinking of using a 24t clutch center and 65 or 64t primary gear. Any thoughts about this? Thanks in advance for any input from anyone who have experience with this! Regards from Norway, Stein
- 1.462 Antworten
- 1
- Polini 210
- langhub
(und 3 weitere)
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Das ULTIMATIVE M.I.S.A. Belgien-Vespa Topic....
Stein antwortete auf ptuser's Thema in Vespa Rally, Sprint, VNA, VNB, VBB, V125, etc.
Hallo! Ich habe ein MISA GS 160 series 1 und soll das Vespa GS beinschildemblem aus Maskes montieren. Kann jemand mir mit das korrekte plasieurung hilfen? Vielen dank und grusse aus Norwegen! -
20th Classic Scooter Run in Norway 1.-3. June 2018
Stein antwortete auf Stein's Thema in Runs, Niter, Ausfahrten etc.
Folks, time to make your booking so you don't miss out! Maximum 200 participants. Book here: https://www.classicscooterrun.no/2018/no/pamelding/ -
Das GS160 & SS180 Topic
Stein antwortete auf reusendrescher's Thema in Vespa Rally, Sprint, VNA, VNB, VBB, V125, etc.
Hi! Do anyone know where I can get floorboard rubber for GS 160 that really fits and looks like original? All I have bought, ariete or others, are of wrong shape.. Thank you! Stein -
20th Classic Scooter Run in Norway 1.-3. June 2018
Stein antwortete auf Stein's Thema in Runs, Niter, Ausfahrten etc.
Due to another big event taking place in the same area the same weekend, for those of you who are not up to sleeping in a tent, hotel room has to be booked at the soonest before every room is taken. Heres a list of hotels close by: -Soria Moria Hotel -Voksenaasen -Scandic Olympiatoppen Sportshotel -Lysebu -Trollvasshytta And then two that is about 5 kms away: Gaustad Hotel and Smestad Hotel. And could be worth checking out Airbnb as well. Greetings from Oslo, Norway Stein Overland -
20th Classic Scooter Run in Norway 1.-3. June 2018
Stein antwortete auf Stein's Thema in Runs, Niter, Ausfahrten etc.
Ok folks, first band now confirmed. They played for us more than 10 years ago, now they are up for it again. If you like The Sonics, you will love to see and hear S T R Y C H N I N E Here's some teasers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp1XfBu27Y0 https://www.facebook.com/StrychnineSonicsTribute/ -
20th Classic Scooter Run in Norway 1.-3. June 2018
Stein erstellte Thema in Runs, Niter, Ausfahrten etc.
Finally, the annual Classic Scooter Run in Norway is back in Oslo 1.-3. June 2018 !!! Prepare for a smaller run than you are used to, but we offer you as always live bands, djs, bar and grill with sensible prices, dyno, ride outs and and and.. Camping on site, and hotel rooms nearby available. Heres the webpage: http://www.classicscooterrun.no/2018/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1953328151583445/ Heres some teasers from previous years: https://www.facebook.com/events/106793586143171/permalink/194069290748933/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi470hwIv5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGHITeVawJY Enter your email at http://www.classicscooterrun.no/2018/ for info about booking etc. Welcome to Oslo! -
Danke Kebra für dein antwort! Grusse Stein
Hallo! Mein umbau Cosa gabel in eine GS 150 rahmen hat jetzt zwei verschiedenen Winkeln. Ich denke, dies könnte zu einem nervösen Fahrhaltung und Vibrationen führen. Was denken Sie? Grusse aus Norwegen, Stein