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Julian Camarillo

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Leistungen von Julian Camarillo


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  1. Hello, Sorry my german is not very good for a reply. This model is from early 1990´s. Impossible to find new nowadays. I´ve been doing a quick search in spanish most popular second hand webs (wallapop and milanuncios) and no results for a second hand unit. Besides the manufacturer closed a couple of years ago. If you want to give a try the name in spanish for the anti-theft device is "antirrobo". Many people also know them for the brand name "pitón".
  2. Hello, sorry, I only speak a little german so I write in english. I am a motovespa entusiaust from Madrid. Had in the past an orange GT, a white Pk125xl, a black T5, none with autolube or elestart. Now I have a black 1987 PX200E iris elestart (all elestart have autolube) and a blue 1970 160. What I learnt from MV in 30 years is that it is almost impossible to find the same parts in the same series. The production systems in the 70´s and 80´s (the golden years of MV) were far from Just In Time. They produced as much as they could. If in a moment a part was out of stock, it was replaced with what they had on hand (seats, mirrors, badges, exhaust, cables,..... whatever). On the other hand there were complete engines said to come from Italy. Z.b. my PX220E, having ducati ignition and flywheel, but a MV number stamped in the engine... Also there was the overstock of some pieces. As you know, MV TX200 was born to "get rid" of T5 frames. T5 sales were poor: it was sporty but not reliable as basic Iris 200, the bestseller (w/o autolube). Same solution with any other surplus part. You can find many units of the same series with diferent parts. So don't be mad trying to find the real OEM part for your MV´S. In your case, I would say you own a "spanish made in Italy scooter". MV T5 production as far as I know began by 1987. Good rides for you, regards from Madrid.
  3. And a little present for the weekend (I understand that images caught in the net aren't against the law. If not, my excuses and shall somebody erase it) http://lamaneta.com/web/catalogo-vespa-160/ http://lamaneta.com/web/vespa-160-cc/ Wo wants OLack?
  4. Hello! Sorry to write in english. Ich spreche ein bisschen deutschl nur. I found the forum a couple of days ago, and I've been reading all 75 pages of this topic. As a spanish 160 (proud) owner, you share more knowledge about the model than we do "at home". As all of you know, facts and figures about motovespa, s.a. are harder to find than the lost arc... Congratulations for the "spanierinen und madrilenian". Good machines. Here is mine, registered in october 1970 (almost 50 yo!). After long fight against UA19S1 (sounds like a military code), runs quite well. Big mirrors are a must in city traffic. Live in Madrid (but support Real... Atletico's stadium is close to my office). And the other MV at home, 1987 PX200E Iris (lusso, arcobaleno...) elestart. Both trying to be kept as original as possible (but never reaching...). Grüsse aus Madrid!
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