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  1. Price update.
  2. Beschreibung: Vespa PK 50 XL mit Quattrini M1L Preis: 2800 eur --> 2600 eur Standort: Klatovy 33901, Czech republic Hello, I am selling a Vespa PK 50 XL with Quattrini M1L. It is registered in the Czech republic in my name. The problem is, that the engine has (most likely) a twisted crankshaft. The engine can run, but it scrapes the crankshaft against the case. I drove +-2000 on this engine when it was okay. I can fix it, but right now, I don't have the time to do it, so I am selling it as a winter project for someone. The original 50cc engine is also aviable to this Vespa. If you are interested, write me. And if you act fast, the price is negotiable. Thank you. Here is the list of parts in the engine: Quattrini M1L56 BGM crankshaft (54 hub) SIP Vape sport Dellorto VHSB 34 Egig Taipan exhaust 26-69 with Fabbri clutch basket Malossi 10-15-18-20 Bolla elaborazioni HP4 clutch Crimaz clutch push rod [Bitte Durchlesen und anschließend den diesen Erklärungstext löschen, wenn ihr eure Verkaufsanzeige fertig habt] Verbindliche Regeln für den GSF-Marktplatz ab September 2024 Wir bitten wir euch um die Einhaltung der GSF-Marktplatzregeln, insbesondere der P.O.R.N.O.-Regeln: Preis angeben! Inserate mit Auktionscharakter werden ausgeblendet. Ort angeben! Selbst wenn ihr im Profil einen Wohnort stehen habt, der genaue Artikelstandort (gemeint ist die Stadt) ist Pflicht. Richtig und vollständig beschreiben! Idealerweise mit Bildern, eventuelle Mängel müssen deutlich im Text ausgewiesen werden. Keine Links auf andere Verkaufsplattformen. Nur sachliche Diskussionen! Destruktives Runtersprechen von Anzeigen und Preisvorstellungen, Runterputzen und Stammtischgerede ist nicht erwünscht. Ohne klare Eigentumsverhältnisse kein Verkauf! Der angebotene Gegenstand muss Eigentum des Topiceröffners oder der Topiceröffner muss durch den Eigentümer beauftragt sein, den Artikel im Auftrag zu verkaufen. Bei Verstoß gegen diese Regeln werden Inserate ohne Vorwarnung ausgeblendet, ebenso unseriöse oder grob unvollständige Inserate! Pro Mitglied und Rubrik (Biete/Suche/Tausche) ist nur ein aktives Inserat im GSF-Marktplatz erlaubt! Ausnahme: Für Artikel über €1.000 (z. B. Komplettmotoren) oder Teilesammlungen darf ein weiteres eigenständiges Topic eröffnet werden. Im Fall von Teilesammlungen jedoch nur, wenn diese ausschließlich en bloc zu einem Paketpreis über €1.000 angeboten werden. Hinweise für Inserierende Das pushen/hochschieben von Inseraten ist nur alle sieben Tage gestattet. Wenn ihr Infos nachtragen möchtet, macht das im Startbeitrag. Hinterlasst nach Abwicklung euer (hoffentlich positives) Feedback. Um Topics schließen zu lassen, ändert ihr den Titel im Startbeitrag auf "ERLEDIGT: alter Topictitel". Damit werden die Moderatoren aufgefordert, das Topic zu schließen. Allgemeine Hinweise Fair use! Wiederholungstäter_innen werden verwarnt bzw. temporär gesperrt. Achtsamkeit ist angebracht! Nicht alle Blechrollerfahrer_innen handeln redlich, anständig, und nach Treu und Glauben (gilt bei Kauf und Verkauf). Lasst euch stets eine verifizierbare Telefonnummer und Anschrift eurer Geschäftspartner geben. Schafft Transparenz, kommuniziert per Privatnachricht! Wann wurde überwiesen? Ist das Geld angekommen? Wann wurde versendet (Link zur Sendungsverfolgung)? Ist alles angekommen und im erwarteten Zustand? Der Betreiber des GSF ist nicht verantwortlich für die Richtigkeit der Angaben über die angebotenen Gegenstände. Wer private Geschäfte über das GSF abwickelt, gewinnt daraus kein Recht, die Plattform GSF für seine privaten Probleme, Strafverfolgung, Zeugenschaften und/oder Meinungsmache gegen Mitglieder oder Shops zu missbrauchen. Grundsätzlich sind dem Betreiber des GSF Realnamen, E-Mail- oder Postadressen nicht bekannt. Mit der Nutzung des GSF-Marktplatzplatz gelten diese Nutzungsvereinbarungen als anerkannt.
  3. Hello, I have a few parts for sale. I am located in the Czech republic in Klatovy. Shipping is possible or I can drive 30km behind the german border. If you have an offer, feel free to send message. Thanks! Engine PX with MV 150 number - 850 eur (or trade for 200/T5 engine) VMC stelvio 177 (3000 km) Original cut crankshaft 23/65 with PX200 reinforced clutch and polini springs and linings Original PX alt gearbox MRP membran for 30mm Phbl 26 (fitted, not tuned) PX original exhaust PX kickstart lever (without the SIP lever on the picture) Clutch PX + primary 22/68 - 25 eur Cylinder head PX 125 (thread ok) - 5 eur Extension of main stand Sprint MRP (without bolts) - 15 eur LTH memban for long carburetor seats+ carburetor box - 45 eur VMC 28/30 membran with rubber (isn't on the picture) - 55 eur
  4. Question for the experts... What exhaust can you run on these MV frames with a p125 motor, so that the main stand doesn't hit the exhaust? Polini box hits the stand :( and I dislike the MRP relocation kit. Original PX - clears SIP road 3.0 - ??? Expasion chambers - ??? What about taffspeed mk4 left hand exhaust? I can have one for a reasonable price... Thanks for your replies ;)
  5. It is because I know a few german words and I want more people to understand the drawings. Sorry, if it is a problem, I will only write in english. Still thanks for all your help. So option 1 it is! I will prepare for the milling and bring some results in the upcoming week.
  6. Ok, then how about this? I thought of a plan on how to save the cylinder. I measured the aluminium base gasket and it should have been 8mm but it is 8.3mm. I can correct this and the piston ring still wouldn't be able to pop out of the cylinder. Then I can use a small port-cutter to raise the ports about 1mm. If I do it correctly and good, the angle of the port shouldn't really change. I know the timing would be excessive but I think it could work better then it is now working. Which of these options would be best? If you have other ideas, I really welcome them.
  7. Yes it does work! Find a M10 bolt and a soft bread and then stuff it inside, hammer it, stuff it,… repeat until the bearing pops out.
  8. Now I have it all dissasembled, sadly found a small issue. What do you think? Nicasil isn’t cracked, only aluminium is on it. 600 sandpaper to scuff it up and same on the piston and run it? The tolerance between cylinder and piston doesn’t seem like it changed. Also, first time I have used the bread technique. I didn’t think it would work 😂
  9. Squish was 1.3mm for 54 stroke. I think that is too much. On 51 stroke the manual says 0.9mm. How much squish should I aim for? I think 1mm is adequite. On the side of jetting, I have tried many combination - k57 k24 and also a lot of different emulsion tubes. I cannot remember all of the combination, but I think I should start to take notes 😅
  10. Hello! After 3 years of being on this forum and just watching from the sidelines, I want to create a small build project of my own. More precisely, really fine-tune my dream project. I´m from Czech republic and as far as I know, I am the only idiot :D in our country, who wants to have a crazy smallframe. I have a German market PK XL with Quattrini M1L-56 which has broke down due to bearing failure on the secondary gearbox shaft. But before that happened I drove it for a few kilometres and the engine did not feel right. Before it gets to "power" or "ressonance in the exhaust" there seems to be a dip in the powerband and I don´t know why. Hope you can help me and sorry I´m writting in english, my german is not that great. This is my setup Quattrini M1L-R 56 (cylinder timing below) BGM 54/105 full circle crankshaft Vhsb 34 Egig Taipan exhaust Malossi 10-15-18-20 SIP reinforced clutch basket with 26/69 Bolla Elaborazioni XL2 clutch SIP vape sport at 24°
  11. Hello, if possible, I would need a bit of help with my jetting... Setup: Stelvio alu (p&p) Pia original 57 stroke crank LTH membran for Si carburetors Original Ducati with 19° static Sip V2 fuel tap with tough fuel hose (against kinks) Si 24 (ND 62/160, HD 135/BE3/160, Slide 04) fuel chamber bore - 2.7mm When standing, from full throttle to idle, the revs fall down normally without any issue. When the scooter is under load, if I release the throttle above 6000 rpm, the revs fall a bit slow and when I try to blip the throttle, it feels like it doesn´t have any fuel... The spark plug looks lean-ish. Logical thing to do would be to go HD138, but this is rich and with ND 62/160 I can´t go richer since the scooter then start "four-stroking". I tested against leaks, checked the flatness of the carburetor, but I did not find anything... If you have any advice, I will take it. I´ve been stuck with this problem for 5 months. I don´t speak much German, so I´m sorry for writing in English.
  12. Questions for the experts, who are running Super G cylinder for a while now... What do you think about this setup? Can it be reliable in the long run? Last year I had run it with SI 20 and original air filter (48/160; BE3 - 160; HD 118) and got around 103 km/h vmax and felt like I "could" lift the front wheel up. This year I got SI 24 and I really don´t know what to expect... maybe 115 km/h vmax and more mid-range torque that good for touring? Also what do you think of this start for jetting? (55/160 or 62/160; BE3 - 160; HD 135) Setup for season 2022 Super G with CNC gold head + 1,5 mm base plate (119°/178°) = 1,5 - 1,6 mm squish (if measured correctly 10,7:1) 57/105 PIA crankshaft (25 mm cut out on closing side) LTH reed valve for SI carbs SI 24 with MRP venturi 23/65 PIA primary with Polini rep kit VNX1T PIA gearbox banded 200 clutch (7 spring with Polini clutch kit) Polini box complete PIA P200E ingition (i think more than 2kg) And lastly, I have a Kytronik unit laying around... Would it really be a benefit to run it? Thanks for help!
  13. Hello, sorry for writting in english... Yesterday I got hands on a stage6 vhst 28. I would like to try it on classic polini setup (Polini 133GG, membran polini 24mm, 2.56 with original 4th, Proma exhaust). I am thinking about the setup: min s38 max 104 slide 50 choke 60 AQ 266 or AQ264 needle ??? Which neeedle based on your experince would you try? i.e. - I already have D22, D25 and D34. Thanks for any help or advise! ;)
  14. So progress after a week... My dad basically created a manifold for me, mainly because I don´t know how to use welder, but I want to learn it in the summer... It was created using 5mm plate for the inlet base on the cylinder, 2mm plate for the transition from the round hole to square hole and from 90° pipe used around radiators and stuff (internal diameter 27mm). It may be improved over time, but for now, it works. After that I test-fitted it, painted it black with high temperature paint and mounted it, ready for first start... Initial setup of the carburetor was a bit different from what I wrote last time... My carb came with different parts, so first setup was: 50 slide D34 needle second frop top 270K atomiser 122 main jet 53 idle jet 60 starter After many failed attempts, it seemed like it was wayyy too rich and basically it ran very poorly just for 4 seconds. It also kicked back real hard when I wanted to start it... So after a day, that I wasted with this, I sat down and found dellorto´s manual for setting carburetors. So I came up with a second setup with pieces from phbl 24 which I have on my Polini 130. I also cleaned and redone my ignition with 0.35-0.40 gap and set it up and 23-24° BTDC 40 slide D22 needle 2nd clip from top 270K atomiser 122 main jet 50 idle jet 60 starter Funny enough, my dad was that day with me and just for fun said... "lemme see how it runs" It was a cold start so I switched the choke on and right on the FIRST kick it fired right up! I was sooo happy, because I did not thought that I would get it running by myself with no help from others. So after fine tuning, just on the stand (It´s cold outside and I don´t have a throttle cable long enough to fit it.) I finalized my starting base setup... 40 slide D22 needle 1st clip from top 270K atomiser 122 main jet 50 idle jet 60 starter idle screw 3,5-4 turns out mixture screw 1,5 turns out The engine runs real nice, starts nice, I think the response is great and it doesn´t kick back... If you want you can hear it on video. So now, I need to order some parts, like slide, jets and needle and I need to sort out my air filter situation, because there is not much space... Quattrini M1XL has that much space also for an air filter, so I will take inspiration from there.
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