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Alle Inhalte von angelomail74

  1. Welche Vergaser- und Düsenkalibrierung für Pinasco 260 cc Street Membranventil-Komplettpaar?
  2. Hi, any forum user has tried the pipedesign silent box P251 plus? With what results compared to the modified Pinasco exhaust?
  3. you're right .. actually this engine is not cheap :) but I wanted to get a regular engine for road use, fun and couple uphill, silent with pan and carburetor si 28
  4. I have another question, I mount sip vape ignition, the pinasco flytech heats up and already burned me two coils .. having the 5 pin voltage regulator with battery and sip odometer power, can i leave this regulator on the sip vape? Otherwise where to connect the red cable that powers the odometer and is connected to the battery on the DC sip vape regulator?
  5. 210 degrees with sensor inserted in the head, not duct csndrla. ok I'll make the change you recommended
  6. as it was suggested to me, I write in English. I have a problem of high temperatures with the 251 pinasco, over 200 degrees. sensor inserted in the head, therefore reliable temperature reading. valve engine, yes 28, original polini, pinasco flytech ignition which I will soon replace with sip vape.I look for an exhaust that performs well at medium-low revs but more open than the polini original. I saw that the posch rese box makes an exhaust for bfa, I was wondering if there is a plug and play for pinasco 251. What temperatures do you reach on your engine? thanks for the replies
  7. Können Sie mir sagen, ob die Posch-Leistung einen Schalldämpfer für 251 wie für bfa realisiert?
  8. Hallo, ich habe ein Ventil Pinasco 251, Vergaser Si 28, original Polini Schalldämpfer, Pinasco Flytech Zündung, die ich gleich durch Schluck Vape ersetzen werde. Ich habe ein Problem mit hohen Temperaturen, wenn der Sensor in den Kopf eingesetzt ist, erreiche ich über 200 Grad. Kannst du mir sagen, welche Temperaturen du erreichst? Fehler verzeihen mit Google Übersetzer
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