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Frau befriedigt 12 Männer auf einmal [FSK18]

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ich pump lieber..

pumper forum..oi oi

Tickled Pinky

Joined: 05 Sep 2006

Posts: 6

Location: NZ

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:13 pm Post subject: impotence in a young guy? Reply with quote

Hi there. As I've previously mentioned I'm 19, and at this stage I'm almost totally impotent. I used to be an extremly randy teen, but nowdays I find it hard to get aroused, and I can only get half-hard and can't keep it that way. I also can't cum. This is incredibly distressing to me! I've been taking prozac for a while, but have recently switched to effexor. Is there anything I can do to help my sex drive while on these antidepressants?

herr e, alter rammelbock! hätt ich das vorher gewusst wäre ich nicht zu dem autohof gefahren.

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