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I'm searching for good tools for cylinder porting. I have already good working airtools for exhaust porting and the rest with the dremel, but for

good machining off the transfer ports and so on I would need a small 90 degree shaft with a 3mm tool holder. Preferably for air attachment, but big servo motors seem to be the only way to go.

First off all I wonder if there are any places to get this at a reasonable price, I know FARO and Cavali are good brands but any tips and recommendations would be appreciated.

I do some porting work to 3-cylinder SAAB engines (DKW) that needs effective tooling.

What is the german name of these porting tools?



I'm searching for good tools for cylinder porting. I have already good working airtools for exhaust porting and the rest with the dremel, but for

good machining off the transfer ports and so on I would need a small 90 degree shaft with a 3mm tool holder. Preferably for air attachment, but big servo motors seem to be the only way to go.

First off all I wonder if there are any places to get this at a reasonable price, I know FARO and Cavali are good brands but any tips and recommendations would be appreciated.

I do some porting work to 3-cylinder SAAB engines (DKW) that needs effective tooling.

What is the german name of these porting tools?



the german name is "winkelhandstück". unfortunately they are not that easy to get for three mm shafts, at least not to my knowledge. i have an airtool for 1,2mm grinders (i think it's 1,2) which basically is a copy of the german kavo. i bought this one in taiwan, it was dead cheap really, but that's not much of a help since it's quite a bit of a distance from where you're from to the shop. i also have an original kavo angle handpiece which is driven by a flexible shaft (from one of the standard overhead-engines which used to be the business some years/decades ago). this one too is for 1,2mm grinders. that's quite ok for small correction work. if the trabant engine (which, of course, is a totally different affair) is anything to go by in terms of material to be removed this is going to be rather useless though. i think gerhard mentioned some american shop which deals in porting tools some time ago. maybe you could send him a pm.


DAS ist seit längerem mein absoluter oberwunsch, muss ne alte frau leider mal lange für stricken. 1261 steine, wenn ich ü20 motoren per anno zu fräsen hätte... :-D


Thanks for all answers!

I got good links from Gerhard!

On ebay I found some dentists tools, but I think they are too soft for the work I will be primarily doing. Maybe ok for adjusting and chamfering, but the SAAB engines have up to 4mm to mill on the tranfser ports and up to 10mm on the inlet... Prices seem a bit stiff for a narrow budget, but if the result pays off it may be worth it though....



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