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Aussie in desperate need of pk xl forks

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Hello everyone,

It is at times like this that I wish I could speak german. I have three 50s that I bought at auction. Plus two other largeframe vespas that I have had for quite a while. Anyways I wish to do scheibenbremse conversions for all of these so I need some pk xl forks.

If anyone here has some of these they wish to sell please drop me a private message with a price and we can do some business. I have tried to get some on ebay but for some reason people always say that they weigh more than 10kg which from what I understand is not true, with the hub attached they should weigh around 8.5 kg or so.

I am also after some vergassers to go with these, 19 to 24mm respectively.

Also if anyone has any exhausts either banane type or other smallframe sports exhausts that would be awesome too.

Many thanks.

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Hello everyone,

It is at times like this that I wish I could speak german. I have three 50s that I bought at auction. Plus two other largeframe vespas that I have had for quite a while. Anyways I wish to do scheibenbremse conversions for all of these so I need some pk xl forks.

If anyone here has some of these they wish to sell please drop me a private message with a price and we can do some business. I have tried to get some on ebay but for some reason people always say that they weigh more than 10kg which from what I understand is not true, with the hub attached they should weigh around 8.5 kg or so.

I am also after some vergassers to go with these, 19 to 24mm respectively.

Also if anyone has any exhausts either banane type or other smallframe sports exhausts that would be awesome too.

Many thanks.

strictly speaking this is not a technical question, so you'd better place it in the small adds, with your permission mind i would volunteer to add a technical aspekt. if you want to convert to disc brake anyway why don't you get yourself a skipper or a zip fork which has a disc brake factory fittet? in case you want to use a standard looking drumm you might need some more information concerning the parts required, but unless i'm mistaken the autofork-adaption is the budget way to go.

Bearbeitet von amazombi
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strictly speaking this is not a technical question, so you'd better place it in the small adds, with your permission mind i would volunteer to add a technical aspekt. if you want to convert to disc brake anyway why don't you get yourself a skipper or a zip fork which has a disc brake factory fittet? in case you want to use a standard looking drumm you might need some more information concerning the parts required, but unless i'm mistaken the autofork-adaption is the budget way to go.

Thanks heaps for that. I will move my question to the small adds section. Out of interest, does the skipper or zip fork look the same as a pkxl one?

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