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Instead of mounting a Tomaselli or other quick action throttle on the headset, I want to keep it clean and make some kind of QA throttle under the tank instead.

Have anyone made something useful and are able to give some tip? :-D

Thanks in advance!!!


Instead of mounting a Tomaselli or other quick action throttle on the headset, I want to keep it clean and make some kind of QA throttle under the tank instead.

Have anyone made something useful and are able to give some tip? :-D

Thanks in advance!!!


don`t ask me.

I`ve never done that before. :-D

Will you use that on your powerless GS-Thing, or what? :-D

best Regards



Yes, something like that, but made from something else than plastic. I have seen the item on the picture, looks and feel a bit too weak...

something like this?



Oh yes, Helge, of course it is my pushbikeGS that is going to get the treat :shit:

I imagine whatever product you have made to solve this is not as good as what I want, but come on, give it a try, tell me all about it :-D

All the best from up north



don`t ask me.

I`ve never done that before. :-D

Will you use that on your powerless GS-Thing, or what? :-D

best Regards



Don´t work properly on a GS 150 (GS3), as I has different design to the newer headsets... :-D

If it was a Sprint, PX or something like that, but unfortunatelly not on my GS. Have also thought about lenghtening the piece inside the headset to make room for longer travel of the cable, but that leads to uneven pull of the throttle when twisting the handlebar...

But on "the normal" headsets, thats a brilliant idea :-D


ever heard of the KISS principle? :-D

Take the gear-roll instead of the gas-roll on your handlebars - fit and forget ;)

Oh yes, Helge, of course it is my pushbikeGS that is going to get the treat :-D

I imagine whatever product you have made to solve this is not as good as what I want, but come on, give it a try, tell me all about it :-D

All the best from up north



I didn't contruct something new, but put in the above mentioned Kit in my Sprint last season.

It worked very well. No weakness or whatever.

Even near the polar-circle!! :-D




the part in the picture is a genuine piaggio part which was used to good effekt in large quantities in the zip. i don't think there is a reason to suspect unsatisfactory reliability, at least i have never heard of a failure of this part. still, if you do not trust plastic you could make something with a pivoting bar to the short side of which you connect the throttle cable from the handlebar, the long side then actuates the one which goes to the carb. not really a problem to make, i'd say. chances are good though that this contraption will require a bit of muscle development in your arms, if you know what it mean.

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