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Hey folks, my German is not good enough to explain my problem, so here goes in English:

According to manuals and webshops the flywheelside bearing in a Primavera should have measures 20x47x14, however when I measure the socket in which the bearing is supposed to go, it measures approx. 20x38x14 - what am I missing??????

The engine casing is brand new, however the two parts does not have matching numbers, so I wonder if the flywheelside of the engine casing is for another smallframe model, which require another size flywheelside bearing....

Hope you can help, since everything else fits like a glove!

Cheers / Nikolaj


Hi Nikolaj,

Maybe you're measuring the socket which is supposed to carry the oil seal ring? It measures 19x32x7.

It's only an idea, don't treat me if i'm wrong :-D

greetz, scootalot

Hey folks, my German is not good enough to explain my problem, so here goes in English:

According to manuals and webshops the flywheelside bearing in a Primavera should have measures 20x47x14, however when I measure the socket in which the bearing is supposed to go, it measures approx. 20x38x14 - what am I missing??????

The engine casing is brand new, however the two parts does not have matching numbers, so I wonder if the flywheelside of the engine casing is for another smallframe model, which require another size flywheelside bearing....

Hope you can help, since everything else fits like a glove!

Cheers / Nikolaj


No, that's not it - but thanks anyway!

Just got an idea: Is it possible that the flywheelside of the engine casing is for a PK125 Automatic - therefore the smaller socket for the bearing?!

Cheers / Nikolaj

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
According to manuals and webshops the flywheelside bearing in a Primavera should have measures 20x47x14, however when I measure the socket in which the bearing is supposed to go, it measures approx. 20x38x14 - what am I missing??????

Cheers / Nikolaj

38x15 ? It seems to be that you have PK125 XL casings with the PX style bearing on the flywheel side.

Gruß aus Kiel


Bearbeitet von matzmann
Verdammt! So theres no way in hell I will be able to make this fit - thanks for clearing this out for me!

Cheers / Nikolaj

You just need the right crank. (And maybe the right ignition)

Gruß aus Kiel



can you take a picture of the cases? if you don't like the fact it's a pk case i would like to buy it. if that's the case send me a pm with the price if you want to. it's brandnew, right?

to be honest i would keep it if i were you. it will fit any smallframe-frame, and i honestly think it's the best engine there is for a smallframe.

You just need the right crank. (And maybe the right ignition)

Hmm, also if one side of the engine casing is PV/ET3 (clutchside) and the other side PK125XL (flywheelside)???

- I already got 12V ignition...

(sorry to ask so much, but I'm only used to PX and GS engines....)

Cheers / Nikolaj

Hmm, also if one side of the engine casing is PV/ET3 (clutchside) and the other side PK125XL (flywheelside)???

- I already got 12V ignition...

(sorry to ask so much, but I'm only used to PX and GS engines....)

Cheers / Nikolaj

the drive side half of the the casing is the same as pv/et3. the only difference is the crank (which is pk 125 xl/ets) and the bearing (needle roller type, exactly the one used in p-range engines). ignition does not matter whether it's 6v or 12, that does not make a difference, as long as it fits the wiring you're fine. flywheel may be anything from pk ets (not good) to hp4. if you're thinking about tuning the engine use a pk xl flywheel, or an hp4 better still. the rest of the engine parts is completely interchangeable.

the drive side half of the the casing is the same as pv/et3. the only difference is the crank (which is pk 125 xl/ets) and the bearing (needle roller type, exactly the one used in p-range engines). ignition does not matter whether it's 6v or 12, that does not make a difference, as long as it fits the wiring you're fine. flywheel may be anything from pk ets (not good) to hp4. if you're thinking about tuning the engine use a pk xl flywheel, or an hp4 better still. the rest of the engine parts is completely interchangeable.

Ok, thanks! I'll give it a try and if I screw up I'll let you buy the casing :-D

Cheers / Nikolaj


just one more thing: motorhuhn has just pointed out that the casing halves should have matching numbers. strictly speaking that is correct of course. it will probably work all right with the halves though the numbers do not match, just keep this in mind.

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