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3rd Classic Scooter Race Lelystad near Amsterdam (NL) August 11th &amp

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The Lambretta Club NL will for the 3rd time be hosting the Classic Race Demo in lelystad like we did last year and the year before.

If you book ahead of time the price for the saturday & sunday will be 50 euros (a complete bargain considering the amount of track time). Those only wanting to do 1 day will have to pay 35 euros. Its possible to take a second or third bike - each new bike costs an additional 10 euros for the admin costs & to make up the race number (like last year).

The formula will be nearly identical to last year with a shit load of track time across the 2 days. The classes are TBC pending on the entrants but will again most likely end up based on ability - all the way from the near standard PK50 automatica racers all the way through the hard core ESC type racers and everything in between.

There will be free overnight camping on the saturday night but no all nighter as its about racing and not getting legless till 5am in the morning. The cantine will probably be open till about 10ish.

The general idea is that like last year that its geared to the classic pre-1978 scooters from standard to tuned but the later P and PK bikes and the all out racers are also welcome but we will not be working with timing transponders . Saftey remains important so saftey wear will remain important like last year with a recommendation of leathers or your normal synthetic motorbike suits - so no jeans and t shirts! Also important if it rains a little like last year that it may not be the best place to take your best newly restored bike - as there can ofcourse be some people stacking their bikes like last year and that as such its at your own risk (if you do want to take your bling resto then maybe its better to ride in a slightly less competive slower class)

Here a picture of last years track which is raced counter clockwise midland_track_airpic_large.jpg yes this is my approximate line. :-D

Also check out this old thread of the 2006 racers on GSF for a good general impression, lots of photos & the Scootering article on the races.

For some more info & registration form you can go here If you have any questions, comments or suggestions then let me know through a PM or asking here.

Hope lots of you will come again!

@ PMS - we still got your 2006 cash in the bank so you dont have to pay anything!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Luvly Jubbly!

hope i can make.there is someone else making the dates for me from mid june. :-D

so i hope i wil make it.

will the people who have raced last year become automaticly a entry form ?


Bearbeitet von Schniedel

you having a kid then? Nice one!

yep - the people who raced last year will get them automatically in the post. I'm told this will be in early to mid May....

  • 3 Monate später...

Friendly reminder to get your registrations in for this years event ? for hard core veterans, people that want to try for the first time and everything in between ? come and enjoy the best classic scooter racing in Holland for either one or both 2 days. For more info on this fantastic weekend and the registration form please see: http://www.lambretta-nl.net/index.php?newlang=english or send me a message or ask in Dutch/ English on the AVC forum: http://juliet.messageboard.nl/4853/viewforum.php?f=9 - it's not that scary and about as much fun as you can have fully clothed.

Although you can register & pay on the day to get an idea of numbers we would love it if you could preregister. Get them in quick if you want the 10 euro discount for early registrants as we need your form & payment in before August 1st to Cor van Seters

Hope to see lots of you there again!


Lambretta Club of the Netherlands

PS One for you to write into your diaries ? the LCN together with the AVC are organizing the 3 rd Dutch custom show between Nov 9 till 11 th ) ? this time in Amsterdam with a big ride out, 2 parties & of course a nice custom show. More info to follow but let us know if you are interested in a stall or want to reregister a scooter for the show?.

  • 2 Wochen später...

If you want the early bird 10 euro discount (ie pay 50 instead of 60 euros) then be quick as to get the discount you will need to transfer the cash in the next few days (see registration form for BIC & IBAN details). If you aren't bothered with the discount then no worries as you can register and pay on the day.

Looking forward to seeing many of you again. Currently we expect between 30 and 40 racers.

If you have any questions feel free to give me a call on +31 6 21857014.


hi there

I dont have a formal schedule yet. :-D

I think the plan will be something like last year - ie gates open at 9ish and then first races will probably get going at 10.30 to 11ish. The time in between wil be used to do the bike saftey check. I will try and get the plan and will post it here in the next few days.

For those that havent registered yet - dont worry you can register and pay on the day.

More to follow!


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

extrablat !!!

der erste deutsche teilnehmer liegt schon im zuiderzeekrankenhaus mit einem komplizierten unterbeinbruch...

sowie mehr bekannt ist , berichte ich ...

edit sagt das er gesternabend opriert worden ist an einem splitterbruch der warscheinlich extern fixiert werden mus....

der rest der saison fällt für ihm aus. :-D

Bearbeitet von gatti500

Tschuldigung das ich hier deutsch schreibe ,super geniales wochenende mit allem was dazugehört !

Danke an alle ,war echt neh gelungene veranstaltung und schade das sowenig jung aus deutschland dabei waren !

gruss stefan :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I just can say it was awesome.... :cheers:

brilliant track, perfect weather condition,.... just 2 classes (Slow and German experts :-D:-D ) but there were several other great drivers from Italia, Netherlands,..... perfect

Hopefully next year there will come some more drivers!!!!!

It was fun. See you next year :-D

I have learned a lot during that weekend :-D Saturday 6 x 15minutes driving and on sunday we did only 2 x 15Minutes. We had to leave earlier cause of the distance to our home sweat home :wow: but who cares :sneaky:

Thanks to Armin, Mathias, Martin, Mira, Thomas etc. for supporting us with meat, beer and other nice goodies!!!!

I liked the grilling session on saturday :wacko::rotwerd:

Thanks again


P.S. To the unlucky driver in hospital....... Get well soon asap :wallbash:

Bearbeitet von bootman


you need to remember that being german seems to give you the edge over you dutchies on the track. as far as i can tell the only chance for you to improve that would be to move to italy. apparently that sort of hones even a dutchmans skills to a level hitherto unheard of.

excellent weekend. great advice with the afternoon nap, by the way.


you need to remember that being german seems to give you the edge over you dutchies on the track.

bent je zeker? darover moet je nog een kertje naardenken!

Now I regret even more, that I couldn't come due to work.

Groetjes uit Hamburg,



fuckin hell!!

great weekend!thanks to john and the lambretta club netherlands for such a great weekend.

the lammy went quiet well,but on sunday after the third race i was completley exhausted.

were else can you find so much riding time than in lelysted?

ich denke jeder sollte sich den termin fürs nächste jahr im kalender anstreichen,weil mehr fahrzeit bekommt man nirgends.und dann noch die nette relaxde stimmung in holland.kein großes brimborium und tralala,einfach nur fahren.

also,nächstes jahr lelysted,or bust!


can you get me an email adresse from the lad from britan with the ocre gp?

he knows some intesting things about my lammy and the guy who built it back in the 80s.

so,once again thank you all,and i will be back defenitly next year,schniedel!



glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the kind words!

I will ask the guy who did the admin but I know that his mate works at Grand Prix scooters in Leicester so maybe that's a start. Will try and get back to you soon.

I called the hospital and David has left the hospital and is headed back for Germany. I assume that is good news.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
...Bootman - next time I will overtake you!!! gsf_smile.gif

Einfach naechstes jahr ein kursus ueberholung und geht's bestimmt John!




Bearbeitet von roo

Hi John!

As fas as i know, Mira looked over her 800+ pictures yesterday evening and tries to put a gallery on vespatech by today/this evening.

After what Armin told me, I am very keen of getting a look at the pictures myself.

As no one of the other "Aachener" has done so far, i want to thank you and the AVC for the great Weekend, again big fun, great racing and and a super atmosphere.

- Martin

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
here are the rest of Roo (andy's) pictures

Great pics. I´m also keen for Miras pics. I just saw 4 of them but they were awesome as well.


Finally I got my ass off the seat. Now it looks like racing and not just driving!! :-D

Improvement in process :-D


Bearbeitet von bootman


I've shot a lot of pictures of you john, but no kneedown on my camara :-D all hopes for Mira's pictures :-D

  • 1 Monat später...

hey all

for all you PK racers - I thought you would be interested to know that one of big dealers in holland will be closing down and taking his whole stock to the Dutch custom show in amsterdam on Nov 11th. I know many of you need lots of parts like headset etc etc but he is selling everything for 1 euro a piece so come along!

more info on the show here - http://www.germanscooterforum.de/index.php...mp;hl=amsterdam would be great to have people bring custom bikes and/or their racers.



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