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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

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the modification start home made footboard :


R1 rear shock


the rgv mudguard whith ducati 748 front dampers


and the home made front brake disk



Meine LI/3 (Eibar) sah beim Kauf noch beschissener aus (geschätzte 10 Jahre Hafenbecken). Ich werde sie aber bestimmt nicht so verunstalten.

Mfg arno


Naja, noch darf dann doch jeder mit seiner Berta machen wat er möchte, mir persönlich gefällt sowas geringfügig besser als die 10.000ste weiss-rot/blau/gelb/etc. restaurierte Serie 2!

@ cast66 . I hope to see pics of the finished scooter.



Tell us a little more about the mystery-holes in the back of the frame ! Air vents - or just little places for Ken&Barbie-Puppets to have a look around while they are sitting on the back mudguard ????

Further plans ?????


Red seat ????




Ich kenne den Typ :-D

Der ist voll o.K.

Was den Geschmack angeht kann man sich ja immer streiten....

Es geht doch, zumindest für mich, erstmal um die Idee, dann

um die Ausführung und spez. Detaillösungen...oder ?

Ich finde die Farbe z.B. nicht schlecht.

Den Tank macht er aus Glasfaser...

Carbonlook...wers mag...

Spanierin deshalb weil "cast66" kurz vor der Spanischen-Grenze wohnt...da gibts ein paar mehr...

Ich freue mich auf jedenfall auf ein mögl. diesjäriges Wiedersehen :-D

@Cast 66

Salut C., :wacko: Bertrand

:-D :-D :cheers:


from Wikipedia:

The curse of "Little Bastard"

Since Dean's death, his Porsche 550 Spyder has been infamous as being the vehicle that killed not only him, but for injuring and killing several others in the years following his death.[44][45]

Over the years, many people have come to believe that the actor's vehicle and all of its parts were cursed. Legendary Hot Rodder George Barris bought the wreck for $2,500, only to have it slip off its trailer and break a mechanic's leg.

Soon afterwards, Barris sold the engine and drive-train to physicians Troy McHenry and William Eschrid respectively. While racing against each other, the former would be killed instantly when his vehicle spun out of control and crashed into a tree, while the latter would be seriously injured when his vehicle rolled over while going into a curve.

Barris later sold two tires, which malfunctioned as well. The tires, which were unharmed in Dean's accident, blew up simultaneously causing the buyer's automobile to go off the road.

Two young would-be thieves were injured while attempting to steal parts from the car. One tried to steal the steering wheel from the Porsche; his arm ripped open on a piece of jagged metal. Later, another man was injured while trying to steal the bloodstained front seat. This would be the final straw for Barris, who decided to store "Little Bastard" away, but was quickly persuaded by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to loan the wrecked car in a highway safety exhibit.

The first exhibit from the CHP featuring the car ended unsuccessfully, as the garage storing the Spyder went up in flames, destroying everything except the car itself, which suffered almost no damage whatsoever from the fire. The second display, at a Sacramento High School, ended when the car fell, breaking a student's hip. "Little Bastard" also found itself causing trouble while being transported several times. On its way to Salinas, the truck containing the vehicle lost control, causing the driver to fall out, only to be crushed by the Porsche after it fell off the back. On two separate occasions, once on a freeway and again in Oregon, the car came off other trucks, although no injuries were reported, another vehicle's windshield was shattered in Oregon.

Its last use in a CHP exhibit was in 1959. In 1960, when being returned to George Barris in Los Angeles, California, the car mysteriously vanished. It has not been seen since.

Tell us a little more about the mystery-holes in the back of the frame ! Air vents - or just little places for Ken&Barbie-Puppets to have a look around while they are sitting on the back mudguard ????

Further plans ?????


Red seat ????


:-D :-D :-D:cheers::wacko::wow:

the holes in the back of the frame are for ventilation grilles like the 550 spyder and i don't know if i put red seat the unit will have to be seen :-D

Ich kenne den Typ :-D

Der ist voll o.K.

Was den Geschmack angeht kann man sich ja immer streiten....

Es geht doch, zumindest für mich, erstmal um die Idee, dann

um die Ausführung und spez. Detaillösungen...oder ?

Ich finde die Farbe z.B. nicht schlecht.

Den Tank macht er aus Glasfaser...

Carbonlook...wers mag...

Spanierin deshalb weil "cast66" kurz vor der Spanischen-Grenze wohnt...da gibts ein paar mehr...

Ich freue mich auf jedenfall auf ein mögl. diesjäriges Wiedersehen :-D

@Cast 66

Salut C., :rotwerd: Bertrand


hello betrand i hope to see you again you can come at home when you want :wacko::wow::wallbash:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

the mudguard in carbonne will be painted color case and I'm making a fuel tank of epoxy resin and glass fibre the pics its for soon .

Bearbeitet von cast66


tu peux excuse tous le posts concernant ton scooter, qui parle de une

dommage de coupe le vieux tolé.

le " mainstream " allemand est le " l' etat de origine " pour le moment.

ca va change encore, j' espère. pour le moment les copains sont trop sec...

tu as ou a france ? moi je suis a la rochelle.

a+, stefan


Salut heinixt600k

je suis a perpignan dans le 66 et pour la critique ce n'est pas grave l'esprit novateur est souvent critiqué mais sert aussi de source d'inspiration plus tard :-D


On verra si t'es vraiment un innovateur, en outre il n'y pas une chose 'mainstream' comme des états originaux. Il y avait toujours plusieurs styles et enfin de compte, on ne peut pas discuter des goûts et des couleurs. Chacun ses goûts :-D :-D ?


good idea to mold the tank dented on both sides. i like it. looking forward to see the finished scooter.

planning on doing a kinda custom series2 as well, but this will be more on the engine side. still waiting on the paintjob to begin. :-D


what nice little project! hats off for the effort. don't worry about the same old farts coming out of their TV seats to complain that something's not original.

keep us posted, let's hope the bike doesn't kill or injure anyone as its older cousin obviously did.


On verra si t'es vraiment un innovateur, en outre il n'y pas une chose 'mainstream' comme des états originaux. Il y avait toujours plusieurs styles et enfin de compte, on ne peut pas discuter des goûts et des couleurs. Chacun ses goûts :-D:-D ?

je suis d'accord avec toi je sne sait pas si je suis innovateur mais c'est toujours plus facille de refaire un scoot d'origine et de choquer personne plutot que de lui apporter des modifications et accepter des critiques souvent pas constructive mais bon les goûts et les couleurs ......

Moi ma passion c'est le scoot quil soit vespa ou lambretta . :-D

je suis d'accord avec toi je sne sait pas si je suis innovateur mais c'est toujours plus facille de refaire un scoot d'origine et de choquer personne plutot que de lui apporter des modifications et accepter des critiques souvent pas constructive mais bon les goûts et les couleurs ......

Moi ma passion c'est le scoot quil soit vespa ou lambretta . :-D

Saltut Cast66

Je vais en Lambretta à Draguignan cette été (si ma SX 200 et finit ne fait pas trop de problems). Je suis en bas les deux premières semaines en juillet. Peut-ètre je peux faire une petite visite à Perpignon.



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