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Empfohlene Beiträge

Frag doch mal bei Ska und Reggae, da gehört dat hin.


vielleicht kann ja jemand helfen;

ich suche den Text zu "everything i own", von ken booth!?



Trotz der Ziege in der Signatur:

You sheltered me from harm

Kept me warm, kept me warm

You gave my life to me

Set me free, set me free

The finest years I ever knew

Was all the years I had with you

And I would give anything I own

Give up my life, my heart, my home

And I would give anything I own

Just to have you back again

If there's someone you know

That won't let you go

And taking it all for granted

You may lose them one day

Someone takes them away

And you don't hear a word they say

And I would give anything I own

Give up my life, my heart, my home

And I would give anything I own

Just to have you back again

Just to talk to you, words again

If there's someone you know

That won't let you go

And taking it all for granted

You may lose them one day

Someone take them away

And you don't hear a word they say

And I would give anything I own

Give up my life, my heart, my home

I would give anything I own

Just to have you back again

Just to talk to you, words again

Just to hold you, once again

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