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The Northern Soul SC will be happy to welcome you to enjoy the Beetsugar Run # 4 in Amiens (northern France) on the .29/30th of June and 1rst of July 2007

Same place as last years .

All on site event with 2 allniters with top djs- Dave Porter, Olivier( Liège- Belgium-) and many others !!!.

bbq, fungames,ride out , custom show , stalls ( dealers welcome) and cheap beers .. some free drinks ( aperitfs) and 2 breakfast included

more to tbc !!!!


More details (last years pictures and maps) :

http://www.pixagogo.com/NorthernSoulSC http://www.pixagogo.com/3836794631 or my mail piko

all the best ,


  • 2 Wochen später...

...I'll be there, definitely...wenn schon kein HiH, dann fährt man da hin...

...St. Martin kommt von da wech und mein Oppa hat immer so schöne Sachen über die Gegend erzählt... :-D

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