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hello i want to know which are the modifications to fit a crankshaft with 62 stroke in a casing of 150 Li in the place of the 58 .


Bearbeitet von cast66

I think you will have to make some room for the conrod to turn inside the crankcase. It will probably scrape the engine where the lower bearing is. You can either bore out the complete crankcase a little bit or dremel in a groove for the conrod.



a 60mm stroke crank will still fit without any modifications. but from 61mm up you will definitly have to make room in the crankcase. i did this with a dremel as well. doesn´t look good, but works all right. 61mm crank in a LI150 S1 enginecase.

I think you will have to make some room for the conrod to turn inside the crankcase. It will probably scrape the engine where the lower bearing is. You can either bore out the complete crankcase a little bit or dremel in a groove for the conrod.


2 mm deep and about 20 mm wide will be good.

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