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und einmal mehr macht die vorfreude wieder das was wir alle so gerne machen:

sich B R E I T machen

Ljungskile wir kommen!


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

hi calle..... - very nice pictures!

@ all:

nice 2 meet you!

very very nice trip, organization, venue, people, food, music, beer of course....... - we will c us again next year!

NOR, SWE, FIN, DK, GER or anywhere else...!

enclosed some pics of our hamburg-tour

a special big up 2 rolf and helen 4 picking me and my rally up to gothenburg!



Bearbeitet von phatlina

nice pics! :-D

best regards and many thanks to all met on the rally scandinavia! it was really the best rally ever we joined!

@erik and tim:

see you in hamburg or austria! thx for the nice time: :-D

@rolf and helena:

many, many thanks again for the bed and beer! it was a pleasure to meet you!

@rally scandinavia team:

very well organised rally, see you on the eurolambretta 2008!!

@the cookies:

thanks for the best rally food ever, nothing to top!! thanks for telling me the true story about nils holgersson, but dont try to sing "wind of change" in german ( you know, who i mean, no names required ) :-D:-D:-D

nice pics! :-D

best regards and many thanks to all met on the rally scandinavia! it was really the best rally ever we joined!

@erik and tim:

see you in hamburg or austria! thx for the nice time: :-D

@rolf and helena:

many, many thanks again for the bed and beer! it was a pleasure to meet you!

@rally scandinavia team:

very well organised rally, see you on the eurolambretta 2008!!

@the cookies:

thanks for the best rally food ever, nothing to top!!

as you said it in my own words buddie :-D

cheers 2 U all hope that U come 2 HAMBURG A.S.A.P !!

and thx again to the scandicrew

we see us @ eurolambretta :-D


Hi Tim!

Nice to read that you managed to join in on Rally Scandinavia, and that you liked it!

We missed you on this years Classic Scooter Run in Oslo, but now that you´ve gotten the tast from Scandinavia rallies, maybe we see you again somewhere up north next year too ?!

All the best,

Stein Overland

Restless SC Oslo

hi calle..... - very nice pictures!

@ all:

nice 2 meet you!

very very nice trip, organization, venue, people, food, music, beer of course....... - we will c us again next year!

NOR, SWE, FIN, DK, GER or anywhere else...!

enclosed some pics of our hamburg-tour

a special big up 2 rolf and helen 4 picking me and my rally up to gothenburg!



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
maybe we see you again somewhere up north next year too ?!

All the best,

Stein Overland

Restless SC Oslo


Bearbeitet von Rudebwoy
Hi Tim!

Nice to read that you managed to join in on Rally Scandinavia, and that you liked it!

We missed you on this years Classic Scooter Run in Oslo, but now that you´ve gotten the tast from Scandinavia rallies, maybe we see you again somewhere up north next year too ?!

All the best,

Stein Overland

Restless SC Oslo

hi stein,

unfortunately i cudnt b a part of this years classic scooter run...!

and of course --- be sure --- we will c us next year up north again !!


where's the norwegian run located in 2008?

best wishes from hamburg


where's the norwegian run located in 2008?

best wishes from hamburg


The norwegian run in 2008 will be arranged close to Gjövik, arranged by Vespa Club Gjövik.

I know that they have found a really nice place already, close to a small lake, I have been told.

They will bring further the idea about how a norwegian run should be, with the proper standard on bands and dj´s, food, drinks and activities, all taking place on a nice spot in the nature !

The site for the run is located about 120 kms north of Oslo, so there really isn´t much difference in travel distance compared to the two previous runs.

The date for the run is not set yet, but I will make sure that it will be posted on GSF as soon as possible.

And as always, www.classicscooterrun.no is the place to look for the official info.

All the best,


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