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"Young Birds Fly" Leonardo Flores


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....taugt der was..bzw. hat den schon wer gesehen???


"Young 15-year-old Jill was a nobody. She was an extremely awkward teenager, had no friends and spoke nearly not at all. Her short life had been one loss after another until she found peace with a box of old records, a worn out a-Line dress and a Technics 1200.

32-year-old Cathy "C-Bird" Lindgreen was the Top Mod "Back in the day". Nobody really much mattered to her until she was forced to face her dark past that she thought she had walked away from. 15-year-old Jeananne was the most popular girl on campus, the top athlete on her soccer team who commanded respect from her fellow students. But she knew it was all a sham. Until a chance meeting between them would change their lives in ways they could only ever dream."

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Wurde wohl Mai 2008 rausgebracht.

Hier findet man alles relevante zu dem Film:


hatte diese mail in 2008 mal erhalten, auf dvd ist der aber bisher nicht erschienen:

Hello All,

Young Birds Fly will be screening tonight at the Bigfoot Lounge in Los Angeles. I'll also be spinning a set of 6T's Soul and Psych afterwards. Looking forward to meeting many of you.

Please click on the profile picture in the picture gallery for more information,


Leonardo Flores

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