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In 99% aller Soultracks gehts um das größte auf der Welt nämlich die Liebe.

Der Song, der das Glück und den Schmerz, das Leid, die ganze Tragik und die

absolute Bedingungslosigkeit am besten auf den Punkt bringt ist aber für mich

kein Soulstück sondern seit Jahren dieses:

She von Charles Aznavour

She may be the reason I survive,

The why and wherefore I'm alive,

The one I'll care for through the

Rough and rainy years.

Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears

And make them all my souvenirs

For where she goes I've got to be.

The meaning of my life is she, she, she--.

Zu hören mit komplettem Text hier:


Hier passt für mich alles. Text, Melodie, Melancholie, Stimme....

Welches Lied über Liebe berührt euch am meisten?

Bearbeitet von Mr. Boojangles
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

viele hier finden sicherlich das hier sehr nahe dem ultimativen lovesong - musikrichtung ist eher moden soul:

i met her at a ballroom gig

she said my braces were to big

i said "i like your 2tone clothes"

she said "i like you're broken nose"

i bought her alot of drinks that night

she bought me nothing but a fight

she said i wasnt mister right

its over its over its over

it was a skinhead love affair

you know a skinhead love affair

i took her down to last resort

she stole a shirt,i went to court

she said she'd always stand by me

even when i did D.C

i thought about her everyday

like lovers do when they're away

she never came to visit me

its over its over its over

it was a skinhead love affair

you know a skinhead liove affair

on the day that i got out

my skinhead werent about

she got herself a solger perm

joined the ?

i got down on bended knee

and asked her if she'd marry me


its over its over its over

it was a skinhead love affair

you know a skinhead love affair

just a skinhead in love

just a skinhead in love

a skinhead,a skinhead, a skinhead in love

im just a skinhead in love

Für mich persönlich - FILTER :

without you nothing works

without you days turn always black

you´ll always be there for me

you make me feel that I´m not alone

you pick me up

you catch my fall

you make me feel there´s nothing wrong

what i try to say

ain´t nothing new but i mean it

this one is for you a nice day thank you

you always bring my life that special lovely balance

you are the big filter of my life

sometimes i´ve been full of hate weakness anger frustration sadness

the world drags me down

but you´re around

you are the perfect drug

you´re around

you are there and nothing sucks

tell me everything is gonna be alright

what i try to say

ain´t nothing new but i mean it

this one is for you a nice day thank you

you always bring my life that special lovely balance

you are the big filter of my life

Bearbeitet von oli-san

Platz 1 definitiv Stevie Wonder - I believe:

Shattered dreams, worthless years,

Here am I encased inside a hollow shell,

Life began, then was done,

Now I stare into a cold and empty well.

The many sounds that meet our ears, the sights our eyes behold,

Will open up our merging hearts,

And feed our empty souls.

I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever,

I believe when I fall in love this time it will be forever.

Without despair we will share,

And the joys of caring will not be replaced,

What has been must never end

And with the strength we have wont be erased,

When the truths of love are planted firm,

They wont be hard to find,

And the words of love I speak to you will echo in your mind.

I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever,

I believe when I fall in love this time it will be forever.

I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever,

I believe when I fall in love with you it will be forever.

Im so glad that I found someone to believe in again,

Im so glad that I found someone to believe in again.

God surely answered my prayer,

God surely answered by prayer,

You know God surely answered my prayer,

You know God surely answered my prayer,

God always will answer your prayers,

Believe in one who will answer my prayer,

Thank you god.

Come on, lets fall in love,

Youre the woman Ive been waiting for,

Come on, lets fall in love,

Youre the girl that I really adore,

Come on, lets fall in love...

knapp dahinter auf 2: The Who - love rain O´er me

Only love

Can make it rain

The way the beach

Is kissed by the sea

Only love

Can make it rain

Like the sweat of lovers

Layin' in the fields


Reign o'er me


Reign o'er me

Rain on me

Rain on me

Only love

Can bring the rain

That makes you yearn

To the sky

Only love

Can bring the rain

That falls like tears

From all high


Reign o'er me

Rain on me

Rain on me


Reign o'er me

Rain on me

Rain on me

On the dry and dusty road

The nights we spent apart alone

I need to get back home

To cool cool rain

I can't sleep and I lay and I think

The night is hot and black as ink

Woo Oh God I need a drink

Of cool cool rain


Reign o'er me

Rain over me

Over me

Over me


Reign o'er me

On me



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