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Lambretta Frame Jig?

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Hey all

I'm about to restore my sx200 which I got in parts and there is a dent in the bit that the left side panel goes on (ie where you place the rubber strips) which makes me worried that it may have been in an accident and hence may be bent. Before I spend a whole lot of money restoring it I want to check if its straight. At Eurolambretta I'm sure I heard someone say that someone in Germany had made a frame jig. Does anyone know if this is true and if so, who has it and where it would be? I know they have them in the UK but with the ferries it takes too much time & $$$ to get the frame there - germany is easier for me as Holland is obviously quite close and I'm in Nurenburg a lot for work.

Many thanks



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Hey all

I'm about to restore my sx200 which I got in parts and there is a dent in the bit that the left side panel goes on (ie where you place the rubber strips) which makes me worried that it may have been in an accident and hence may be bent. Before I spend a whole lot of money restoring it I want to check if its straight. At Eurolambretta I'm sure I heard someone say that someone in Germany had made a frame jig. Does anyone know if this is true and if so, who has it and where it would be? I know they have them in the UK but with the ferries it takes too much time & $$$ to get the frame there - germany is easier for me as Holland is obviously quite close and I'm in Nurenburg a lot for work.

Many thanks



hello john, did you ask markus?


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