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lambretta piston


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the first one is the sr-200 piston, made in india.

the second one is the asso piston made in italy, as used in the rapido and mugello kits.

i never tried the sr piston, but the asso one, which broke immediately in my rapido.

(and i also heard from ones, that broke in mugellos)

yet i´ve got one of the mb-pistons, but i didn´t try till now.

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my cylinder of 200 is in preparation for training stage 4 or 5

do you think if i put the Sr piston in . I have 1 in stock of them.

SR isn´t the best - cause of breaking rings.

Better try the Asso or (if you´ve got the money) the MBD piston.

Bearbeitet von Stampede
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  • 2 Wochen später...

hello i change my project i put a 70 mm competition polaris piston on my cylinder. And it's furious first test stop because it was 65 km/h or 115 km/h and imposible to make the best configuration on my carb . Now i command new jet and needles and i do new test when i receive it .

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i think you can use in alluminium cylinder there is 2 chrome rings 1 mm . i don't have the longuer of the piston and the conrod my mecanic command and adjust alone the crankshaft because i don't have necessary tools . When i open to look i take mesure :-D

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did you have a fabrication number from the polaris piston?

whats the exact diametre? can I use it in a 70,00mm alluminium cylinder?

how long ist the piston?

your conrod, how long it is, 116mm?

Bei den Briten wird was über ne Polaris-Conversion geschrieben :HIER


GG Conversion 70mm

1,5mm Fudi

18mm Kobo

112er Pleuel

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bin grad durch zufall auf dieses Topic gestoßen


also Suzuki TSX250 kolben


hätte geschlossenes Hemd

16er Bolzen

d 70mm

laut Bild relativ hohe Kompressionshöhe

und müsste auch von der länge her noch passen

gibs von wössner in geschmiedet

Bearbeitet von Werner Amort
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