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Hi Neil,

I guess you got something wrong. Chris is not claiming that he developed something. He just wrote that the whole thing is a self developed exhaust and cylinder. He did not claim that he did it. He also wrote at the end that every question regarding cylinder exhaust should be asked to you / rollerfabric.

You need a better translation tool. Nevertheless - it was quite rude of you was it?

cheers schlingoe

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i'm a bit confused too. some guys told me that you're not working anymore for the rollerfabrik...

I don't.

There was interest in the new cylinder, and for that reason I thought it prudent to write a little. I am only stating facts. The exhaust is a very good one, not EXACTLY what the new Cylinder was developed with (but reasonably close).

I have seen 3 PS gains on Plug and play Quattrini cylinders (compared to other exhausts), and 2 PS on well set up Mallossi's.

They are quite noisy, but certainly a good "sports" expansion chamber.

  • 8 Monate später...
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It is a fairly small market there, but I can sympathise with the taste it leaves in ones mouth.

Some rather prophetic words were written on here a few years ago.

I can't imagine too much more coming from 'nam going through there, but I'm "not in that loop"

Bearbeitet von scootergangbang

It is a fairly small market there, but I can sympathise with the taste it leaves in ones mouth.

Some rather prophetic words were written on here a few years ago.

I can't imagine too much more coming from 'nam going through there, but I'm "not in that loop"

After talking to the man himself on the phone and having to listen to his weird definitions of "original" and of a "small batch for himself and a select number of friends" it did indeed leave a rather lasting impression (actually it was more of a confirmation of a previous impression mainly based on a number of other similar demonstrations of a truly unique "style"). This horse has been ridden to death and beyond though, as far as I'm concerned I think I have learned my lesson. 'nough said, I'd say.

You're back in Newzealand than?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

After talking to the man himself on the phone and having to listen to his weird definitions of "original" and of a "small batch for himself and a select number of friends" it did indeed leave a rather lasting impression (actually it was more of a confirmation of a previous impression mainly based on a number of other similar demonstrations of a truly unique "style"). This horse has been ridden to death and beyond though, as far as I'm concerned I think I have learned my lesson. 'nough said, I'd say.

You're back in Newzealand than?

Austria actually, I was home for a holiday recently, but there are too many people to "show my gratitude", for their "outstanding honesty and friendship" over this side of the world.

Bearbeitet von scootergangbang
  • 1 Monat später...

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