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Lambretta DL 200 ockergelb

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Hier NEWS aus Schweden. Hinweise bitte direkt an den Lambretta Club Stockholm !


my name is Jacob Kjellgren and I live in Stockholm Sweden and I'm a member

of Lambretta Club Stockholm http://www.lambrettaclub.com/.

It is with sadness from the bottom of my heart I write this...

Somebody stoled my yellow ochre' Lambretta DL200 from 1970 this Friday night

7th of September. It was in almost perfect original condition and with new

Mugello and Varitronic kit.

The thief had taken the front wheel of cause it was locked in the front fork

with a chain lock (which was left).

Maybe somebody wants to make some money and sell it to England or Italy? I

guess there are not so many of these original DL200 left...

Maybe you guys can help me to keep your eyes and ears open and contact me if

you se or hear anything strange! Please send this message to everyone how

maybe can help me to find my lammy!

My insurance company have promise me a new lambretta of the same value if I

don´t find it, how much do you think my stolen Lambretta is worth?

Thank you very much!!!

Best regards

Jacob Kjellgren "


Bearbeitet von kebab

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