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Sorry for writing in English, but my german sind sehr slecht....

I'm going to tune my Polini208 engine further.

Going for longstroke, and maybe a reed.

But now I've rotaryvalve, and using a Koso 30mm carb.

What carb do you recomend for either longstroke with rotaryvalve induction and what carb for reed?



hey svinte. the only problem showed@the carb of every tuned rotaryvalve engine will be the sprayback, in form of overriched mixture.

reedvalve engines r basicly easier to set up, so if you want to change either, dont worry.

expecting you want to build up a "torque" roadgoing engine, the 30mm koso would be a good and cheap choice-

-if you do the calculating of port timing with the crank!

-matching casings everywhere

-choosing right exhaust, for example something from PEP (member here: "melkfett").

more infos about carb settings with (matched?) 30mm koso and 60mm crank, plus ported? polini208, baseplate? squish? timings?

print out this first, and learn about timings (search here 4 example: "vorauslass")


are u from bergen?


Hi cal.68!

I'm not from Bergen. I'm from Stavanger, south of Bergen.

The engine has the casings matched, but I'm not sure of the port timing... :-D

It wasn't me that built the engine... Therefore I'm not sure of the squish either, but I'm using a MMW-top made for the Polini.

There are no baseplate.

The ignition is 17 -I think...

The exhaust is a B-race Dominator

The main problem is that I'm not pleased with the Koso. It has been very hard to jet, and the quality seems poor...

Therefore thinking of either a Dellorto or a Mikuni. -what do you think?


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